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Mrgunsngear had a good video he posted last night about how the legal justification for what the Governor is trying to do will set a terrible precedent if it is upheld. That basically he could say that they have intelligence that a threat is imminent so he can ban guns in that area.

Keep your eyes open guys.
"Judge upheld........Rally gun ban."

🤔 Wonder which side of the aisle the judge votes on? I'd be interested in reading his bio, so I'm sure more details will be posted on other outlets soon enough.
I think it’s stupid all this crap in Virginia, it needs to stop, I still can’t believe Northham got off for doing what he did, this is becoming pathetic, all this gun control crap only pertains to us, the law abiding citizen, criminals do not obey any laws, they know this and don’t care, ultimate plan is to disarm us......plain and simple. Ok done ranting.....sorry
"Judge upheld........Rally gun ban."

🤔 Wonder which side of the aisle the judge votes on? I'd be interested in reading his bio, so I'm sure more details will be posted on other outlets soon enough.
Judge Joi Jeter-Taylor.... have not yet found her political leanings, but I don't think we need a crystal ball to
see which way she does.
I think it’s stupid all this crap in Virginia, it needs to stop, I still can’t believe Northham got off for doing what he did, this is becoming pathetic, all this gun control crap only pertains to us, the law abiding citizen, criminals do not obey any laws, they know this and don’t care, ultimate plan is to disarm us......plain and simple. Ok done ranting.....sorry
Understand the ranting..... you are pretty much echoing what has been going on in the USA for years now. We all
have managed a rant or two. It's even better that we beginning to become a bit proactive. If you can't physically go to a rally, flip some money to the groups that are. Dollars and votes.
Mrgunsngear had a good video he posted last night about how the legal justification for what the Governor is trying to do will set a terrible precedent if it is upheld. That basically he could say that they have intelligence that a threat is imminent so he can ban guns in that area.

Keep your eyes open guys.
Agreed. When President Obama used an EO to basically write Immigration law, he violated the constitution that only allows congress to write laws on immigration. The democratic controlled congress at the time did nothing. This was an impeachable offense in my eyes, and congresses inaction made them now irrelevant going forward in my eyes. That sets a precedent that now allows the executive branch to issues EO's on whatever they please and it seems to have filtered down to the State level. When the legislative and judicial branch (at any level), allow this to occur without any resistance, they surrender their constitutional authority and erode the constitution they swore an oath to uphold. Thus they become irrelevant as a governing body in my eyes.
Well it sounds like the protests at least was noticed and taken into account by one Dem. State Senator. Boy, reading that it went back to committee, but won't be taken up again until 2021 because the legislative session ends in early march 2020, leads one to believe. that not much is accomplished by the legislative Branch. But then again, I didn't notice when their session started (I hope it wasn't the beginning of the year, if it was, Virginians should recall all of them 😡 ).

Judge upheld the Virginia Gov Northam's Rally gun ban.
Appeal has been filed to the Virginia Supreme Court.

IMHO Northam wants the rally to be another soft target. What better!
Have a bunch of 2A supporters fired upon and twist it to more gun control. Why not!
He's already using an attack with a vehicle as justification for gun control.

Link: https://gunowners.org/goa-and-vcdl-file-suit-to-strike-down-gov-northams-illegal-gun-ban/
Remember we the people are a well regulated Militia and as old as i am --- i can still boot up and stand at attention
Well it sounds like the protests at least was noticed and taken into account by one Dem. State Senator. Boy, reading that it went back to committee, but won't be taken up again until 2021 because the legislative session ends in early march 2020, leads one to believe. that not much is accomplished by the legislative Branch. But then again, I didn't notice when their session started (I hope it wasn't the beginning of the year, if it was, Virginians should recall all of them 😡 ).

"...Virginians should recall all of them"

When Northem started his bs I looked into what it takes to recall a governor in VA, and apparently it takes 4,500+ signatures, tgen there are about 9 (difficult/tedious) steps they have to accomplish also. As generally expected, the politicians have created laws/rules to basically make their job a lifetime event, no matter how pitiful or wasteful their accomplishments/non-accomplishments are.
"...Virginians should recall all of them"

When Northem started his bs I looked into what it takes to recall a governor in VA, and apparently it takes 4,500+ signatures, tgen there are about 9 (difficult/tedious) steps they have to accomplish also. As generally expected, the politicians have created laws/rules to basically make their job a lifetime event, no matter how pitiful or wasteful their accomplishments/non-accomplishments are.
I hear you there ScottJ, just like the US Congress. When they leave, they leave as multi millionaires from all the shady deals they make. Pelosi pushes a bill for wind generation tax credits, then you find out she’s a major investor in a Wind Farm. It goes on & on.🤬
Business as usual for the Democratic Party. Disarm the good guy and the bad guys with guns will run rampant. This will allow them the “ammunition” to say see we need even more gun control.
It will be a cycle that will spread state to state.
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