
Disparate Impact Thinking Is Destroying Our Civilization


Founding Member
The most consequential falsehood in American public policy today is the idea that any racial disparity in any institution is by definition the result of racial discrimination

The claim that racial disparities are proof of racial discrimination has been percolating in academia and the media for a long time. After the George Floyd race riots of 2020, however, it was adopted by America’s most elite institutions, from big law and big business to big finance. Even museums and orchestras took up the cry.

As a Safety Engineer I made a darn good living for many decades because folks are fundamentally stupid. Next time you look at a product and see all those “warning” labels, remember: they are there strictly because Some Moron did what the warning says NOT to do….classic examples “Do not use lawnmower as a hedge trimmer” and Micky D’s coffee “caution contents are hot and may cause burns”. Ignorance you can fix-Stupid, not so much.
As a Safety Engineer I made a darn good living for many decades because folks are fundamentally stupid. Next time you look at a product and see all those “warning” labels, remember: they are there strictly because Some Moron did what the warning says NOT to do….classic examples “Do not use lawnmower as a hedge trimmer” and Micky D’s coffee “caution contents are hot and may cause burns”. Ignorance you can fix-Stupid, not so much.
My wife and daughter are talented artists and have always been amused by the stick figure warning symbols, especially on farm equipment. What a great job it would be for an artist to draw those warning signs, probably shaking their head the entire time.
As a Safety Engineer I made a darn good living for many decades because folks are fundamentally stupid. Next time you look at a product and see all those “warning” labels, remember: they are there strictly because Some Moron did what the warning says NOT to do….classic examples “Do not use lawnmower as a hedge trimmer” and Micky D’s coffee “caution contents are hot and may cause burns”. Ignorance you can fix-Stupid, not so much.
An ex - Brother - in - law actually use to pick his lawn mower up and trim the hedges. He was very strong and would grab the mower by opposing corner wheels but still ....
The author offers a tremendous amount of uncomfortable truth. Her analysis leads to the inevitable conclusion that those who push this pablum are obsessed with race to the point of being racist themselves.

Unfortunately, we have passed the point where reason triumphs. Those who push this agenda seem oblivious to the fact that a tragedy caused by a "diversity hire" is no less a tragedy. To tell those who have lost a loved one in an airliner crash that they shouldn't grieve because the pilot was (fill in the blank) won't help a bit.

The author didn't state a rather obvious conclusion, that the educational system (ran by liberals) has failed black kids miserably. I don't know that a rational person can dispute that, but I don't believe that the system is racist by design. There a myriad of reasons for this, but it's not because those running the system (liberals) want to see black people fail. But then again, maybe they do.

As long as we choose identity over excellence we will continue to witness the decay of our society. As the author argued, we must fight back. To not do so will guarantee a tragic outcome for humanity, not just western civilization.
I've noticed that everything is "the most damaging thing happening" in right-wing world.

Of course, it never is. Hyperbole is one of the indicators that it might be important to check your source's facts.
I've noticed that everything is "the most damaging thing happening" in right-wing world.

Of course, it never is. Hyperbole is one of the indicators that it might be important to check your source's facts.
You did read the article, correct? What facts that she cited are invalid?

Hyperbole isn't the sole domain of those on the right. Listen to the Marxist-Democrats rhetoric and you will certainly hear a familiar echo. Jan 6 is the greatest threat to "democracy" in the history of the Republic has been repeated ad nauseum by them until even their supporters are tiring of it.
I've noticed that everything is "the most damaging thing happening" in right-wing world.

Of course, it never is. Hyperbole is one of the indicators that it might be important to check your source's facts.
Honestly, do you have to drag politics into every thread and post…..