
Do Pistol Bullet Grain Weights Really Matter?

Nobody mentioned stopping power. For many years I used my Colt 45, and always knew that it would stop what was coming at me. So, if you're talking self defense, don't worry about group size at 7 yards, worry about stopping power.
Nobody mentioned stopping power. For many years I used my Colt 45, and always knew that it would stop what was coming at me. So, if you're talking self defense, don't worry about group size at 7 yards, worry about stopping power.
I have to respectfully disagree. I have personally witnessed a bad guy survive a somewhat center punch hit from a Deputy’s 45 acp with 230 grain JHP

The issue no matter the caliber is penetration to the goods and accuracy/shot placement in the right area the goods are!

If you took dead bodies and didn’t see the bullet only the wound that caused the death you won’t tell a difference between 32, 9mm or 45

Here’s my buddy Darryl Bolke on it!

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12 oz ribeye almost medium with sauteed mushrooms,
garlic bread & baked potato,
steamed shrimp side. and

Huckleberry cheesecake for dessert.(y)

Dinner was at noon, supper at night on the farm where I grew up. Some city folk changed all that around and moved dinner to night, and dropped supper all together. Who ever heard of ringing the dinner bell at night?Probably the same people that started that daylight savings time nonsense. 😁
Yeah I don't really understand why some long standing things have to change for no real reason. Daylight savings time is one of the worst examples.