
Do you always carry an extra magazine

I always carry at least a spare when carrying a pistol. Too many things may occur where it might be needed. And actually shooting thru the first is the least likely. I have never lost a mag from a pistol but, I did find the magazine not fully seated before. Either I was careless inserting it or the mag release got pressed somehow.

A friend who owns a restaurant says at least a couple times a month they find magazines on the seats of benches or under tables. The owners wandered off with a modern dueling pistol, if they have a round chambered.

Yeah, i know, it can never happen to us we are too careful, yeah right until it happens.
Not EDC anymore.

My fault for a soft, well worn leather mag pouch, but while back I lost one of my extinct mags, somehow slipped out while seated somewhere and backtracked to never finding it. I find tension fit Kydex a bit fiddly to manipulate at times, but an overlay snap cover is better if that snap holds up.

12+1 seems plenty if accuracy and conditions are ideal, say against 2-3 armed assailants. Mathematically that’s around 4 rounds per assailant. But even 1 round is too much for the social justice legal system to comprehend as necessary.

Traveling, I think having an extra or two on hand to off-carry, should there be a range nearby and have some spare time.
I carry at least one spare reliable Wilson or McCormick magazine always with a 1911. Magazines are a potential failure that could put the pistol out of commission, maybe more so than the pistol itself (if cleaned/lubed/serviced). I seldom carry a revolver any longer, but if I did I would carry a speed loader or speed strips.

I'd rather have a reload and not need it...