
Does anyone carry the XDE

I like the XDe because I feel a little more comfortable with a DA first trigger pull and being able to feel the position of the hammer with my thumb when the XDe is under my shirt. Just when I think I am being overly concerned, I read about something like the Sheriff in Georgia having an accidental discharge in a Walmart store. If that can happen to a Sheriff, I think it could happen to anybody. And, the second through the ninth trigger pull on the XDe is really nice!
I couldn’t agree more! It’s almost like having an extra chance to make sure you’re doing the right thing. Also, I agree with your assessment of the second through the ninth trigger pull. Very nice!
I like the XDe because I feel a little more comfortable with a DA first trigger pull and being able to feel the position of the hammer with my thumb when the XDe is under my shirt. Just when I think I am being overly concerned, I read about something like the Sheriff in Georgia having an accidental discharge in a Walmart store. If that can happen to a Sheriff, I think it could happen to anybody. And, the second through the ninth trigger pull on the XDe is really nice!
I couldn’t agree more! It’s like you have a second chance to make sure you’re doing the right thing. I also agree with the second thru the ninth trigger pull being nice!
Wanted to let you all know we have some pieces on the XD-E by Massad Ayoob on The Armory Life.

Just wanted to pass them along. Thought you all might find them interesting.
I appendix carry both 3.3” models, 9mm and .45. I like my 9 so much I bought the matching .45.

Just solid damn guns. I carry with one in the chamber, decocked. I would trust the safety with the hammer back 100% if I preferred cocked and locked.

It’s just a great, safe gun. The only safer guns I have are revolvers.
After a long talk with myself. The smart part of me informed the reactive part of me my favorite gun to shoot is a SA 1911 followed by S&W plastic gun. I read the XDe has the same grip angle as a 1911 which I would like and the Shield is a gun I carry now but would like the 4", I think. I must say the XDe 3.8 is probably the leader in the clubhouse. Is the grip angle actually the same as a 1911
I don't have a 1911, but I can tell you my XDE feels better in my hand than my Shield 2.0
Purchased the 3.8 yesterday. Will be my everyday carry. Love the flexible safety options, intentional double action sold me and I love how this gun feels in my hand. Craftsmanship is outstanding. Looking for a holster if anyone has a tip. I’ll check out the Crossbreed as referenced here.
Went to the range to day with my XDE .45 to get a little range time. And this thing is very accurate, and this is at 5 yds and 50 rds.


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The one thing I'd like to see if either Springfield or a aftermarket company develop a Short reset trigger kit and a flat straight trigger for the XDE. I've got them on my two Sig P220s and they are great, with the straight flat trigger makes it easy for when your first shoot is DA and then with the short reset it great for follow up shots.
The one thing I'd like to see if either Springfield or a aftermarket company develop a Short reset trigger kit and a flat straight trigger for the XDE. I've got them on my two Sig P220s and they are great, with the straight flat trigger makes it easy for when your first shoot is DA and then with the short reset it great for follow up shots.

Langdon Tactical makes a trigger kit for the XDE...I’ve played with one of their upgraded Beretta PX4 triggers, and if it’s as nice as that...worth it.

Not sure about the straight flat option, though...you could always contact them.