
Does wearing orange during hunting season really protect you?

I know it’s made me stop taking a shot when I caught a glimpse of orange behind my target…I doubt I would have seen them without it.

(Full story: deer hunting, had a nice doe at 75 or so yards out, but there was a hunting party on the neighboring land about 1/4 mile behind my target. A high miss could’ve hit them. If they were camo’d? Never would have seen them…)


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I hunt in seasons where it is required, firearm deer season, and seasons where it is not, archery and muzzleloading. And just from my experience, yes, it does make one more visible to other hunters. If visibility is protection from other hunters, then the answer is it does.

But its not really a panacea. The only thing that truly protects you is the common sense of the person in position to pull the trigger at you.

That, can be a scary thought sometimes.
when were were visiting the painted churches in schulenberg a few years back. we came across a friendly deer wearing an orange dog collar, complete with a name and a return to address

she followed us all around the grounds of a nice church