
Does Your Doctor Want To Disarm You?

My PCP doesn't have a problem with firearms. My heart Dr. asked me if I hunt and I said not anymore. He then asked what I used to hunt so I gave him a rundown . He stated that he loved to Dove hunt. My kidney Dr used to own a .50 cal. Barrett rifle.

The rest of my Drs I don't know about but I wear my Patriot Life member cap to each visit so I don't really care.
An interesting note: Sometimes the doctors don't know where their records are going. I had a conversation with my doctor about hand surgery to fix my thumbs where the cartilage is completely gone. Just bone on bone where the lower thumb joins to the hand. COVID lock-down derailed a procedure three years ago that I had scheduled. He asked me if I wanted reschedule with a specialist, but I told not at this time. So it was dropped. At this very same appointment I had a conversation about doctor patient confidentiality. He assured me that he never lets data out without patient authorization and all records were private. Well... within days, I had emails coming to me from sports and joint health specialist. Advertisements started showing up in my web use. I did nothing on the web related to this issues, no searches, no posts, no nothing, but somehow my conversation with my doctor ended up in the pubic domain and they knew all about the problem with my hand. There was only one place that data could have come from and that was my doctor office. I don't think the doctor even knows that AI is monitoring his records. As understanding as your doctor may be about gun ownership, checking that little box in your records, or having an innocent conversation which get noted in your records will wind up in the BATF and/or FBI database.
An interesting note: Sometimes the doctors don't know where their records are going. I had a conversation with my doctor about hand surgery to fix my thumbs where the cartilage is completely gone. Just bone on bone where the lower thumb joins to the hand. COVID lock-down derailed a procedure three years ago that I had scheduled. He asked me if I wanted reschedule with a specialist, but I told not at this time. So it was dropped. At this very same appointment I had a conversation about doctor patient confidentiality. He assured me that he never lets data out without patient authorization and all records were private. Well... within days, I had emails coming to me from sports and joint health specialist. Advertisements started showing up in my web use. I did nothing on the web related to this issues, no searches, no posts, no nothing, but somehow my conversation with my doctor ended up in the pubic domain and they knew all about the problem with my hand. There was only one place that data could have come from and that was my doctor office. I don't think the doctor even knows that AI is monitoring his records. As understanding as your doctor may be about gun ownership, checking that little box in your records, or having an innocent conversation which get noted in your records will wind up in the BATF and/or FBI database.
Maybe all our medical records are not safe as we all have been told ❗
The Gov't forced all medical offices to use EMR (for safe keeping) of which the powers to be have a back door to them❗
An interesting note: Sometimes the doctors don't know where their records are going. I had a conversation with my doctor about hand surgery to fix my thumbs where the cartilage is completely gone. Just bone on bone where the lower thumb joins to the hand. COVID lock-down derailed a procedure three years ago that I had scheduled. He asked me if I wanted reschedule with a specialist, but I told not at this time. So it was dropped. At this very same appointment I had a conversation about doctor patient confidentiality. He assured me that he never lets data out without patient authorization and all records were private. Well... within days, I had emails coming to me from sports and joint health specialist. Advertisements started showing up in my web use. I did nothing on the web related to this issues, no searches, no posts, no nothing, but somehow my conversation with my doctor ended up in the pubic domain and they knew all about the problem with my hand. There was only one place that data could have come from and that was my doctor office. I don't think the doctor even knows that AI is monitoring his records. As understanding as your doctor may be about gun ownership, checking that little box in your records, or having an innocent conversation which get noted in your records will wind up in the BATF and/or FBI database.
Dude, your insurance company got hacked.
Dude, your insurance company got hacked.
maybe... I don't know where the failure was. I find it unlikely he made reference to my hand to the insurance co. as it was decided that no action was needed at the time and there was no charges related to it. Now, I understand the insurance co. does have information about this from prior visits... but the timing was too suspicious. All I know is that my conversation with my doctor ended up on the web and emails, and if the public domain has this data then how much of a stretch is it to think it will also wind up in the hands of the government and those within the medical industry who will use it for their political agenda? I feel Doctor-patient confidentiality is now a myth. After learning about the FBI's wide scale use of under cover agents to monitor church parishioners I find myself treating a member of our church with skepticism and keep my conversation with him short and to the point because he works for the local FBI office. I have to say that I choose my conversation topics carefully now depending on who I am talking to. This isn't the America I grew up in... it is a police state. Well, maybe I'm being over reactive. It's just my 2c on the topic.
maybe... I don't know where the failure was. I find it unlikely he made reference to my hand to the insurance co. as it was decided that no action was needed at the time and there was no charges related to it. Now, I understand the insurance co. does have information about this from prior visits... but the timing was too suspicious. All I know is that my conversation with my doctor ended up on the web and emails, and if the public domain has this data then how much of a stretch is it to think it will also wind up in the hands of the government and those within the medical industry who will use it for their political agenda? I feel Doctor-patient confidentiality is now a myth. After learning about the FBI's wide scale use of under cover agents to monitor church parishioners I find myself treating a member of our church with skepticism and keep my conversation with him short and to the point because he works for the local FBI office. I have to say that I choose my conversation topics carefully now depending on who I am talking to. This isn't the America I grew up in... it is a police state. Well, maybe I'm being over reactive. It's just my 2c on the topic.
Hard to say I guess but everyone’s insurance company has been hacked at some point.

I totally get your sentiment with regards to government intrusion and keeping my mouth shut as much as possible.
It's your phone! Or some other "smart" crap you have in your house. Not kidding, not tinfoil hat stuff, they are always listening. Welcome to 1984
That could be true also. I hate living in a police state. In Russia, they kept the people in poverty and handed out favors, money, and food for anyone who tattled on their neighbor. It is estimated the every third person was an informer. Today, they just eavesdrop through you electronics. All the fantastic technology available today and what do the elites do with it? Enslave the fellow men.