I carry one 100% at night and for all my home defense guns have a light/laser attached, during the day I do not always, but now that it's darker earlier I now walk out in the dark and because of this topic will add one. Holsters albeit are a little harder to find, just about everyone makes one still. Carry one, know your target, enough with this I don't want them to see me, if you pull your weapon It's all ready on, and you are the target already. Check out this video it explains better than I can.
Damescool, Mandatory WML on HG's? Can see where WML's may be handy in some situations. But, be careful of what's wished for may come to mind too? Video's a bit unrealistic and overly idealistic in my opinion, keeping in mind how many different HG's and WML's there are in existence with likely more to follow?
From experience, be very careful of thinking, wishing or stating anything's mandatory, the wrong person may be paying attention to those sometimes misguided thoughts and deeds? Many in the firearm community are dealing with some of those blasted over idealized mandatory issues from different directions of whatever's mandatory now.
Besides, what's next?
WMK? Mandatory Weapon Mounted Knives? And, then there's the seemingly never ending holster hunt and peck search that follows shortly there after? Mandatory WML holsters sold with WML's? - Where's that going for the manufacturer, reseller, consumer or HG user? Only costly time consuming custom holsters made and supplied with each and every style, type and brand HG and WML systems then? Could easily be an almost never ending nightmare and headache for everyone involved and concerned. Just available shelf space could be overwhelming to stock the many varieties then. That's not even taking into consideration the many varied manufacturing tasks pushed onto manufacturers then either.
In the end?
Holster mfg's and HG users can have a difficult enough time now with just stock HG's. So, what's the answer? Specialized built in recoil rod WML's? That's been done with laser sights to varying degrees of success. About the same with laser sight handgrips to a lesser degree. Battery size, consumption, duration length, placement or replacement, switches and usage can then be an issue with either lights or lasers. Then, add in the many types of lenses to the mix? Basically, mandatory WML's are really pushing extremes.