
Dog Attack

Killing machine right here


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I firmly believe that you can make any dog mean if you try, Some morons”want” a mean dog though the Lord alone knows why. A dog that loves you will be protective of you but will not be “mean” per se. I would not own a mean or aggressive dog. That said, if someone attacks me, or my family, or breaks into my home and the dog eats them that’s too bad😏. We had an old yellow lab for a lot of years-one of the most gentle creatures I’ve ever seen, loved people, however one day the wife and dog were on my front porch when a man started coming across the field toward the house- dog got off the porch and went about twenty yards out toward the man and let out a very deep, vicious growl. Wife recognized the man as our neighbor (he was walking over rather than driving). She call out “Chuck, call his name “ He did and the old dog recognized his voice and ran to him tail wagging for a pet. He knew Chuck well, but he did not recognize him coming across the field so he was ready to protect Mom. THAT imho is what a dog is supposed to do.
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