I've posted my thoughts on the "electronic" muffs before and am odd man out unpopular. It is possible that advances in technology has improved these well advertised gadgets but never would I, over the long term, trust there would be no hearing loss. I tried them years ago in shoot school and at the end of the first day my ears were ringing. Never tried them since. I use the highest rating muffs on the market for protection along with foam plugs. When I want to shoot I shoot, when I want conversation I find an environment that is conducive to it. I'm not going to instruct or speak at the same time firing is nearby. I don't mind removing my muffs to either give instruction or receive it. I understand the convenience of being able to fire a round, give verbal feedback without removing muffs. Like nearly everything in life it is personal choice and what you believe is adequate. I also have extensive experience with hearing aids. The VA is the largest consumer, so much so they set the price. New technology for hearing aids is nearly a monthly advance. Still, you can trust me on this, there is no aid yet that will "close out" background noise, allowing for better conversation. While there are many areas where hearing aids are near miraculous, recovering hearing loss in the conversational tones is non existent! My advice is to proceed with caution.