

Also if this site goes "Minionless", It's on yer head. 😁
While Keith's contribution to big bore handguns is legendary I don't have it in me to respect someone who would kill an elephant for any reason other than a mercy killing.
It is not moral to kill to kill, but times were different back then and folks generally didnt have a sense of once animals are rendered exitinct, they are extinct . Like slavery and lots of historical practices, it was just a sign of the times
It is not moral to kill to kill, but times were different back then and folks generally didnt have a sense of once animals are rendered exitinct, they are extinct . Like slavery and lots of historical practices, it was just a sign of the times
Yeah I know. I ain't saying we should boycott his museum or anything. The thing is, those guys, in those times, who championed "African Safaris" and the like weren't really hunting. And in the end what they were doing absolutely led to a whole lot of animals being on the brink of extinction today.