
EMP-Proofing Survival Gear

I have a brace of rail buggies. Nothing electronic about them. Safes have redundant key behind the pads.
Funny, I was just having dinner with the wife and my jarhead buddy I've known since the 5th grade. We were talking about EMP attacks and the fact that China has literally said they could take us out that way. We were talking about actual SHTF scenarios. In the event an EMP attack actually happens there will be a lot more problems than if your cars will run though. We all try to be as prepared as possible for such an occasion, but inevitably it will quickly become a "Mad Max" scenario. Most of the things people do to prepare for that aren't really going to help that much. I mean do any of you have Farraday cages? Some solar panels stashed to replace the ones the EMP slams ? Lots of people worrying about how to keep power, but I think that's the least of the things you need to worry about. I'm not going too deep into the conversation I had this evening, but I'll tell you one thing. All the things you stock up on for the end of the world party are going to have to be defended. I highly recommend the KISS strategy. And no one likes to talk about it, but you better be prepared to be pretty brutal and incompassionate if you want to survive.
Funny, I was just having dinner with the wife and my jarhead buddy I've known since the 5th grade. We were talking about EMP attacks and the fact that China has literally said they could take us out that way. We were talking about actual SHTF scenarios. In the event an EMP attack actually happens there will be a lot more problems than if your cars will run though. We all try to be as prepared as possible for such an occasion, but inevitably it will quickly become a "Mad Max" scenario. Most of the things people do to prepare for that aren't really going to help that much. I mean do any of you have Farraday cages? Some solar panels stashed to replace the ones the EMP slams ? Lots of people worrying about how to keep power, but I think that's the least of the things you need to worry about. I'm not going too deep into the conversation I had this evening, but I'll tell you one thing. All the things you stock up on for the end of the world party are going to have to be defended. I highly recommend the KISS strategy. And no one likes to talk about it, but you better be prepared to be pretty brutal and incompassionate if you want to survive.
After reading your statement, "Safes have redundant key behind the pads," I removed the pad on my safe and found no key nor a key hole. The safe is about 15 years old. If I've overlooked something, please advise! It is a concern of mine if an EMP were to happen. I definitely would want to retrieve the weapons!


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After reading your statement, "Safes have redundant key behind the pads," I removed the pad on my safe and found no key nor a key hole. The safe is about 15 years old. If I've overlooked something, please advise! It is a concern of mine if an EMP were to happen. I definitely would want to retrieve the weapons!
If you removed the digital key pad and didn’t see a manual lock behind it I’m guessing it doesn’t have one.

Try Googling your safe ( model number).
My safes have good old fashioned mechanical combination locks. Never trust your life to anything that requires a battery. ;)
The pre- electronic car thing is a myth. EMPs cause a massive surge in any wiring. The ignition coil will melt. Best to have a spare coil and other ignition parts in an ammo box. Also the battery may well burn out, catch fire or even explode.
Besides, having the only running vehicle in the area will put a massive target on your back. Everybody will want it and will do whatever it takes to get it. :mad:

I've read "One Second After". Scary stuff. :eek:
Another post apocalypse novel worth a read is "Alas Babylon" by Pat Frank. This is a little dated as it was written in 1959 at the height of the cold war. But its still a good study of human behavior after the apocalypse. Its the story of a small Florida town that just happens to be in the right place to survive a nuclear war.
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It's myth that everything electronic will die.

One thing to bear in mind. In the event of an EMP, can you get into your gun safe (if it has an electronic keypad)? I know mine doesn't have a manual key override, so suspect I won't be able to get into it, with no chance of googling how to become a safe cracker!

It's a smart consideration, and while that won't be a problem for me, I won't say what I use for security on here.

In general, keep in mind that there will essentially be a complete infrastructural collapse, in an instant, if there is an EMP. It will go from 2023 to 1823 overnight. Even a lot of the electronic devices you may strive to protect will still not necessarily be able to connect to anything if larger-picture electronic infrastructure is knocked out. I keep a few basic things like a short-wave/am/fm radio in a protected container, but my focus is going to be on non-electronic self-sufficiency, not on trying to make all my electronics EMP-proof.