
Every Day Carry—More Than Just Firearms

I need to add a flashlight to my EDC. I want to and have one just keep forgetting unless I take my girlfriend out shopping at night. She has sugar and can't see very well at night so I make sure I have one for her. I do have a couple in both my trucks and one on my phone.
I carry a bunch of stuff, but the tiny flashlight (Streamlight Microstream) seems to get used almost daily. It's handier than I thought it would be when I added it to my EDC. Once coworkers and family members know you have it, you suddenly become the go-to guy for all sorts of situations.
A cell phone is a necessity. 911 cops asap. Describe the suspect(s) and precise location. Describe yourself. Never, ever have a gun in your hands when cops arrive. Assure cops can easily see that your hands are empty.

Be a live witness. It beats the heck outta being a dead hero.
I've had a way to carry 2 $50.00 dollar bills on me for a long time. Even if you held it in your hand right now you wouldn't know you had $100.00 in your hand nor would you suspect it. I carry a Finex PD 20 at 180 lumens on turbo and have owned it for 10 years now.

I don't have the key smart , the wallet , nor the trauma kit.
Gun, Holster, Ammo, is probably the least touched edc items for me. Even back when ammo was cheap and plentiful, I didn't train more than once a week. The only other times they'd get touched is when dressing or undressing.

Aside from phone, wallet, keys. The next most touched items for me is probably pen, knife, multi-tool, in that order.
I carry some odd stuff everyday.
- spanner wrench for beer faucets
- micro thermometer
- small flashlight : check dates on kegs

I cant carry a firearm in bars due to 51% rule in TX
Have carried a Swiss Army knife & finger nail clippers since was 12 years old.
Over many years is amazing what those 2 tools can do!
The "rest" is very near by now.
Cigarettes are a pretty important part of my EDC. Not so much for me, but for the people that have to interact with me if I don't have cigarettes. :)
what holster brand is that?
Hi Lchtus, sorry I missed your question. It’s a Tactipac Max. The pad on the back is attached over the full length slide guard and rivited to the holster. It’s a nice holster and my edc but I’m not completely happy with the company. The holster didn’t “click” when I got it and the mfg said it wasn’t supposed to because of the flashlight. I don’t buy that as positive retention is far more secure with the mechanical function that makes that click. I used a hair dryer and got it to a satisfactory state. Clinger Holsters makes a Velcro attachable sweat pad that works basically the same without the mfg issues from Tactipac.