
Fairchild AC-119 — Vietnam’s Accidental Gunship

When I was on the Long Dong Valley trip only the C47 Puff was running CAS. But I did jump from the C119 when I went to Jump School at Ft Benning. Guess that dates me pretty much as an old geezer. Later on in my life adventure I did have access to and used Specter on a few occasions. Life was grand and exciting then, still is!
They had a few of them at Udorn Thailand. Mighty airframes and sturdy as well. One night while I was riding with a friend in the EOD Jeep, the radio call sounded like this -- (pardon, but this was in 1970 and the mind isn't as sharp as it should be) "Udorn tower, Spooky XXX declaring an IFE (Inflight Emergency) -- we have taken massive ground fire, and the controls are very sluggish". They then transmitted souls-on-board and the rest of the needed information. From what I overheard, jettisoned everything to lighten the load (mountains to fly over). Brought it in, landed and taxied to its parking area. Just as it stopped, a crew member jumped out and due to the sluggish controls, shined his flashlight under the wing to see if he could see the damage. He only saw SOME of the damage -- 18 1/2 feet of the left wing was gone.

Not sure if any medals were given out but if not, they should have.

When I was on the Long Dong Valley trip only the C47 Puff was running CAS. But I did jump from the C119 when I went to Jump School at Ft Benning. Guess that dates me pretty much as an old geezer. Later on in my life adventure I did have access to and used Specter on a few occasions. Life was grand and exciting then, still is!

Wow. Much respect to you, sir.

Thank you for your indulgence,
