
Fake meat - why eat it at all?


So fake meat leaves a bad taste in your mouth. I don't see how people stomach this false concoction. Grown in labs? Or made from bugs?
Don't get in between me and a good juicy ribeye, lamb chops or BBQ chicken. Those who are pushing this food substitute nonsense are past redemption.

I tried a “beyond burger” once (i was a guest at someone’s house). It was okay. Didn’t taste like a real meat burger to me. I wouldn’t buy them, or any fake meat product, for myself.
This type of food is highly processed. Many of the ingredients i can find on the shelves in my lab. Same goes for almond milk and silk milk. All of it is ultra-processed, and we’ve been told for decades, “avoid processed foods.”
Oh and growing lab meat… you really don’t want to know about the tremendous amount of antibiotics, growth hormone and growth ingredients used in a tissue culture setting in order to make it. Avoid this stuff.
Well shoot, i expected to see a pic of Taylor Swift.
as it is now, i do not eat "fake meat" knowingly...what i mean by that is, if i buy like a McMuffin, and it has any fake meat, then i certainly do not see anything on the menu board stating such.

also too, the wife and i have both cut down quite a bit on red meads, in favor of chicken, turkey, and even that, is not all that much.
i just looked at the nutritional differences between the beyond burger, impossible burger and a 85/15 ground beef burger. They are very similar with the biggest difference being the cholesterol in the real beef burger and the real burger has higher fat content but not as much as i would have thought. given the high degree of processing and "other ingredients" used to the make the plant-base burgers the more nutritionally sound option is the good old fashioned real beef burger.
on a side note the impossible beef website has more about "climate change" and the evils of beef production propaganda than information about their product. it was really strange. almost "cult-ish".