
Feeling nostalgic

Hard to believe but I remember. 65 years ago I rode my bike 4 miles into town to go to MacDonalds with a dollar in my pocket. I think burgers were around $ ,20 at the time. Fries were .15. The price list below was around my first year in the Air Force when my monthly pay was less than $100


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I remember quite clearly when I was like 9 or 10 walking 7 miles to the corner store picking up bottles along the way and when I got there bought several ice pops the long ones in plastic. Ate them walking home with a buck and change left in my pocket.

It was the day of a full eclipse and I could not resist looking at it.
When I was a kid (back in the 60’s and 70’s) going to places like McDonalds was a treat. The whole sat down and enjoyed the meal together. Afterwards we’d then go to the Penny Arcade or to a movie.
Bobs Big Boy and A&W were my favorites
When I was a kid, there was no inside seating in McDonalds. We sat in the car and ate our meal in our '53 Chevy.
So did
I remember quite clearly when I was like 9 or 10 walking 7 miles to the corner store picking up bottles along the way and when I got there bought several ice pops the long ones in plastic. Ate them walking home with a buck and change left in my pocket.

It was the day of a full eclipse and I could not resist looking at it.
So did you do that 7 mile walk uphill both ways through snowdrifts like the rest of us?😉
Lol usually I rode bike but bottle picking was a pia stopping getting off and on the bike all the time. Plus the burlap bag of bottles was awkward.
I lived by the beach so getting bottles was easy pickings. I had a milk bottle crate strapped to the book rack on the back of my bike. I’d fill it up, go redeem them, then go to the ice cream shop and get a double fudge banana split😊
we had not only Mc Donalds but also Burger Chef, later to be bought out by the Burger KIng company
yes, burgers were around 20¢, fries were cheap too (cannot recall the pricings) the burgers were cooked well, and were not assembled like crap.

always fast service, but no dine-in seating area as i recall, till later years

milk shakes were also super thick at Mc Donalds

if it weren't for what happens to me when i have milk..??

i'd down 2 of them right now
The other amazing thing about McDonald’s was that the counter employees (almost all high school kids) totaled up your order on a piece of paper and actually did MATH.
I ordered coffee from a local place the other day and the employees (local college students) couldn’t subtract 3.83 from $25 without a calculator
Der Wienerschnitzel here. You always had enough money to take a girl on a date there. And before I was old enough to drive, we would take the city bus downtown from the suburbs. Holy cow. Can you imagine doing that today with your kids? The Department of Family Service would be on you for child abandonment/endangerment and everything else they could think of.
The other amazing thing about McDonald’s was that the counter employees (almost all high school kids) totaled up your order on a piece of paper and actually did MATH.
I ordered coffee from a local place the other day and the employees (local college students) couldn’t subtract 3.83 from $25 without a calculator
shoot, that's easy, your change would have been $1.380....pfft college dummies.
When I was a kid I used to spend most of my summers at my Grandparent's farm. I remember my Grand Daddy taking me to the local general store. We'd get 5 cents of bologna, five cents of cheese, a 5 cent pack of crackers and a 10 cent drink. For a total of one quarter, we had a filling lunch. 😁
And like many here, I too remember going to the local burger place and getting a full meal for less than a buck.
But those days are long gone. :rolleyes: