That's screwed up on so many levels!That’s probably true about state laws. My experience is with my brother and with my cousin, both in the state of Missouri. Also, both of their parole officers specifically told them what needed to happen prior to their release. For instance my brother was going to stay with my parents when he got out. My father was allowed to keep his guns in the house as long as they were locked up and my brother didn’t have access to them.
Same with my cousin. His father died while he was in prison and he was moving into his house. He was allowed to have his friend get all the guns out before he got home. Of course his two sisters, one of whom is a parole officer herself, were not happy that he got the house and they set him up. About a week after he got home the house was raided by cops. They found a box of 22-250 stashed in one of his deceased father’s dresser drawers and Gary went back to prison for another 5 years. He has since gotten out and is no longer on parole. Both of his sister’s are kind of hiding from him. They went through all his dad’s money and property and screwed him out of his share completely.
He isn’t planning any retribution though, even though my mom is convinced he has legal grounds to sue his sisters. Gary was a non-violent (drug) offender, but somehow he wound up spending a total of about 30 years in prison.
Anyway, sorry for the derail. Just make sure you get all the ammo out of the house too.
That's screwed up on so many levels!![]()
I had an in-law try this and I stayed away at all cost/protection for my family!
I'm not sure what has happened in the last 2 years and if anything has been removed, but for the life of me I don't know anything about my commentTry what?
as said, get a lawyer, and get your states laws read and explained to you.If a gun owner is convicted of a felony crime what is the disposition of his/her firearms? Are they confiscated or can they be given/sold to a family member or friend? Anyone know?
I’d bet that place is loaded with rabbits!!! Probably have them swamp / cane rabbits. I raise beagles and used to hunt with some pals on this side of the Mississippi north of TN. Cape Gerrido (sp) . That was some fun time and good rabbit hunting.The whole story is way, way longer and even more screwed up.
These are cousins that live down in southern Missouri in an extremely rural area. No Walmart even. In fact they had one but they closed it down several years ago. My family owns a lot ground down there and it’s where I usually hunt. I could tell you some stories about some family members spotlighting deer ( illegal as hell) with game wardens and the county sheriff.
Another cousin down there ( not related by blood to the cousin(s) in my first story) was hunting with his son on Corps of Engineers ground about a decade ago. Agents began harassing them. They interrupted their hunt a total of 6 times to demand they show ID and valid deer tags. Which they did. 6 times. The last time, as they were walking out the agents again stopped them and asked for their tags. My cousin got a little pissed off and started cussing at the agents. So the one agent pulls out pepper spray and starts threatening him. My cousin looks at his boy and says “ If that MF’er maces me, shoot him”. So the boy levels his rifle at the agent. Judge Stephen Limbaugh ( Rush’s brother) sentenced my cousin Jack to 4 years with no parole for that. Which he did, to the day.
Way back before my time game wardens were known to simply disappear down there. And until the feds stepped in about 20 years ago all of them ( game wardens) were running dogs, spotlighting and poaching deer along with the locals. It’s a very poor county and deer is the primary food source for most of these folks.
For the record, while my dad ( when I was very little) certainly poached deer, I have never shot an animal illegally in my life. And I haven’t even heard dogs running during deer season in over 20 years now.
Cape GirardeauI’d bet that place is loaded with rabbits!!! Probably have them swamp / cane rabbits. I raise beagles and used to hunt with some pals on this side of the Mississippi north of TN. Cape Gerrido (sp) . That was some fun time and good rabbit hunting.