Does anyone have a BEWARE OF DOG sign on their fence? If you are the home owners attorney and someone gets bit it is a plus for defense. As in it serves as a warning. If you are the attorney for the person that got bit you can use it against the home owner claiming he knew the dog was dangerous. So does the sign work for you or against you.? Does your training records work for you or against you. And as the old saying goes, Inquiring minds want to know.
the left will do anything to be rid of guns...period.
why give them any fodder to do so..??
in the state of TN, there is a Bill up for passage, regarding taking of "some meds"
if and i say IF that passes, don;t you think other states will try this?
and let's not forget, TN has been a 2A friendly state....
times are a'changing, and anything that can be used against you...will
the only "record" i keep is, i have 3 small pocket note books.
1 for each range i go to, and all i "jot down" , is the date, and how much time spent at each, no more information..
for my "personal" keeping track of the yearly dues to the amount of time spent, to "see" when x number of trips paid for the memberships, then the free times after that membership has paid off.
the only thing a prosecutor could accuse me of, is practicing, but nothing specific like tactical, etc.......
another "what if"...scenario..
"what if", someone does tactical training, weekly....then goes on a shooting rampage.....don't you think the prosecutor will use that against the person, as in, "well your honor, it was proven he was training for a mass shooting"
again, gotta think how "they will think", to be rid of our guns, and rights.