
First Look: The Hellcat Pro Comp 9mm

I do love my Hellcat Pro, another addition to the family is nice.

Excuse my ignorance on the subject but can the threaded barrel I bought, and a suppressor be used with this comp Hellcat Pro or does that defeat the purpose. Just curious. Don't plan on buying one, since I got this one setup nicely for me.
MEH, I’m not into comps or whatever but some are so more power. Just for the love of God Springfield just don’t start giving out ten handle long names for your guns like Sig does!
I do love my Hellcat Pro, another addition to the family is nice.

Excuse my ignorance on the subject but can the threaded barrel I bought, and a suppressor be used with this comp Hellcat Pro or does that defeat the purpose. Just curious. Don't plan on buying one, since I got this one setup nicely for me.
Sure it could be used, but you would not get the reduction of muzzle flip this "comp" offers, since your threaded barrel doesn't contain the port that lines up with the port in the slide thus nullifying the comps advantage.
My Hellcat Pro was done by Monsoon Tactical a year ago, looks identical. Didn’t really notice any recoil reduction but it looked wicked bad!
I do love my Hellcat Pro, another addition to the family is nice.

Excuse my ignorance on the subject but can the threaded barrel I bought, and a suppressor be used with this comp Hellcat Pro or does that defeat the purpose. Just curious. Don't plan on buying one, since I got this one setup nicely for me.
No it can't. And, yes it would defeat the purpose.
While I was contemplating the new Hellcat Pro Comp, decided to go this route instead. I still had my 15% off code from activating warranty on Hellcat, so $30 (15%) off. Figured I’d see if I even liked a Comped 9mm before dropping $6-700 on the new Pro Comp.

Springfield, we're going to need you to sell a slide / barrel kit for those of us who already have the Pro.
I emailed Springfield and they told me that there are no plans to offer the upgraded barrel and slide to the consumer market. I bought my Hellcat Pro one month before the Come version was released.
If enough of us Hellcat owners call or write to Springfield requesting the Comp upgrade, they just may offer it to us!!!!!!!!
Picked up a pro comp last weekend. First impression is a fairly heavy trigger but overall fit and finish is good.
Measured trigger pull confirmed 6.5-7 lb pull.
Range testing review is mixed. Went with a buddy and he brought his M&P shield 2.0 for comparison. Pro comp was softer to shoot than the M&P. M&P has a much better trigger. Pro comp running just iron sights was 3 inches to the left consistently verified with my friend. So once the known skew was known all shots were consistent.
Returned home and laser bore sight tool confirmed the sight misalignment drifted rear sight to the right to compensate, disassembled upper and thoroughly cleaned found a few slivers of what appear to be dried locktite, removed debris, oiled and reassembled checked trigger pull again and now I’m getting 5.5 lbs.
I will follow up in a few days after the next range outing.
Similar impression here. Picked mine up a few weeks ago and I’m really enjoying it. It’s replacing a 43x, which I’ve enjoyed carrying for the last few years but only tolerated shooting. 43x feels like a cheap toy next to this HPC. This has a heavy trigger but it’s smooth with a slight roll to the break and I shoot it well. I’m real impressed with Springfield lately. The prodigy led me into getting an echelon which led me to this. Here’s first shots and about 40 rds from 10 and 15yds after a quick zero of the Romeo x.
