
Fixed Blade vs. Folding Knife for EDC?

RMJ Tactical 'Coho' + SAK Alox 'Pioneer'

It's legal to carry a fixed blade knife in Colorado. You just can't conceal it if it's longer than 3 inches.

I would prefer OC over any knife for self defense. I have to be able to open it one handed. It has to be Left hand friendly(no liner locks). It has to be a lock blade and the blade has to lock automatically (No Opinels).


This is my EDC knife "Rotation" definitely more for utility than self defense.

I wake up in the morning and reach in the bowl I keep my knives in and which ever one I grab first is the one I carry that day.

If I'm wearing street clothes I carry the multi-tool on my belt.

Top down.
Buck 110 Slim Select.
Buck 110 LTE
Benchmade Griptilian.
Gerber Multiplier
My state bans just about every kind of fixed-blade knife by name for EDC, and a bunch of folders as well, but "ordinary pen knife excepted." There is a case law ruling that the Buck 110 Folding Hunter is an "ordinary pen knife," so I figger my CRKT M16, which is smaller and lighter than a Buck 110, should be perfectly legal.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it. ;)
My state bans just about every kind of fixed-blade knife by name for EDC, and a bunch of folders as well, but "ordinary pen knife excepted." There is a case law ruling that the Buck 110 Folding Hunter is an "ordinary pen knife," so I figger my CRKT M16, which is smaller and lighter than a Buck 110, should be perfectly legal.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it. ;)
The 110 is now available in an auto.
My state bans just about every kind of fixed-blade knife by name for EDC, and a bunch of folders as well, but "ordinary pen knife excepted." There is a case law ruling that the Buck 110 Folding Hunter is an "ordinary pen knife," so I figger my CRKT M16, which is smaller and lighter than a Buck 110, should be perfectly legal.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it. ;)
The M-16 is my EDC also. Mostly used as a utility knife, lately for the flood of Amazon boxes for Xmas lol. Dang kids.
I just ordered a couple Push Dagger knives, Safemaker II, Urban Edge 50/50. new My son got the 3.5 blade and for me the 2,5 blade. The deciding item was the handle-no one can grab it and being in a wheelchair I can push knife straight ahead to a dangerous guy place while I draw Hilda. Hilda Hellcat Pro just got a new Gold slide stop that is slightly out from the frame-just a bit, no holster issue. Recommend from Lakeline LLD.


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Good timing, this has been on my mind lately. I carry a folder but it’s mainly a tool and not really for self defense and I carry it on my strong side. I really should migrate to something I could carry on my weak side. I would go with OTF blade I think. My fixed blades are all field knives not for carry. They roll in the pack. I appreciate the good insights from others who have posted.
Unsure about serrated edge so I got the 50/50, half serrated and other side plain. Any thoughts on best edge? My son has some nerve issues in arms and can't shoot so Mace & knife are his options. A knife is a scary thought. Has anyone read/seen the U Tube video about the guy in Calif that was attacked by 2, shot at, restrained himself as they were leaving-wife & 5 month old inside door-he lost his carry permit re Sheriff Dept. Video called- L.A. homeowner loses gun permit after armed attackers shot at him. Home video shows it.
Unsure about serrated edge so I got the 50/50, half serrated and other side plain. Any thoughts on best edge? My son has some nerve issues in arms and can't shoot so Mace & knife are his options. A knife is a scary thought. Has anyone read/seen the U Tube video about the guy in Calif that was attacked by 2, shot at, restrained himself as they were leaving-wife & 5 month old inside door-he lost his carry permit re Sheriff Dept. Video called- L.A. homeowner loses gun permit after armed attackers shot at him. Home video shows it.
Yeah Kalifornia is a disaster.

As to the knives, if it is purely for defensive use I would get a straight double edged blade. If it is for utilitarian purposes a half serrated blade can be useful. In all honesty other than cutting rope or twine or small pieces of wood, the only use I have ever had for a serrated edge is to use to rip through something, such as a zip tie, when the straight part of the blade has become dull. For the most part I don't go with serrated blades, though I do have a couple ( half serrated) and like them ok. I find I prefer drop points for most things and dagger blades for simple defensive use.