
Fixed or Growth mindset?

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A fixed mindset is ingrained with ideas and abilities and can't be changed. The growth mindset can develop our ability through hard work and effort. Do you have the fixed mindset where your knowledge and skills is the only correct way to conduct training, and respond to real life situations? In such you have it black and white by the numbers.
Or do you have the growth mindset? Do you have an open mind, and take suggestions, ideas, and work hard to make improvements to your training, skills, and abilities?
I believe that there is always a way to improve on training and therefore response to situations. The very nature of people dictates that you can not have a cookie cutter approach to training. No one has seen much less trained for every situation that could arise. That is just the opinion of one who hasn't trained enough and you know what they say about opinions. So the short answer would be growth for me.
Personally I think I have a growth mindset in all aspects of life. Keeping an open mind will only open you up to improvement if you can let your ego take a back seat. Even the lowliest broom pusher maybe able to teach you a more effective way to push a broom if you just listen. I'm always open to suggestion or criticism if the moment warrants it. I am often researching and hearing various opinions on many subjects that interest my growth and development in fields that interest me.
GROWTH. I am an open minded person and welcome change in most anything. I do have my core values that were instilled by my family which I have no issues with so they are fairly fixed although I have changed slightly in some regards. As far as the whole shooting experience I am all growth just need to find someone that can show me improvement. ;)
A fixed mindset is ingrained with ideas and abilities and can't be changed. The growth mindset can develop our ability through hard work and effort. Do you have the fixed mindset where your knowledge and skills is the only correct way to conduct training, and respond to real life situations? In such you have it black and white by the numbers.
Or do you have the growth mindset? Do you have an open mind, and take suggestions, ideas, and work hard to make improvements to your training, skills, and abilities?
Are you a teacher? I have this chat with my students every year. Just because you struggle with something doesn't mean you cannot get better at it.
If you ever want to learn a subject well teach it. The questions my students could come up with were fantastic.
I think of myself very open minded to the new. That of course doesn't mean I'll accept it, for all new, is not necessarily good.
Change for the sake of change is not good. Change for the sake of progress, on the other hand...

"That's the way we've always done it" holds no water for me. There's a reason we don't still drive Model T Fords - the world moves on. Things change, Technology advances. People have to adapt.

I am a change person...but as stated above, I still hold solid to my core values. You need a solid foundation upon which to build, but that doesn't mean you can't grow and adapt, while staying true to your values. That holds true on a personal level, as well as a corporate one...and a National one. Values are key. Without a solid foundation... "castles built on sand" and all that.

New does not always equal better.

Conversely, old doesn't always equal worse.

And that's where the values come in - to help you decide which...and why.
Change for the sake of change is not good. Change for the sake of progress, on the other hand...

"That's the way we've always done it" holds no water for me. There's a reason we don't still drive Model T Fords - the world moves on. Things change, Technology advances. People have to adapt.

I am a change person...but as stated above, I still hold solid to my core values. You need a solid foundation upon which to build, but that doesn't mean you can't grow and adapt, while staying true to your values. That holds true on a personal level, as well as a corporate one...and a National one. Values are key. Without a solid foundation... "castles built on sand" and all that.

New does not always equal better.

Conversely, old doesn't always equal worse.

And that's where the values come in - to help you decide which...and why.
If you ever want to learn a subject well teach it. The questions my students could come up with were fantastic.
I think of myself very open minded to the new. That of course doesn't mean I'll accept it, for all new, is not necessarily good.
To add to this if you know the subject well, you should teach it since knowledge is power. I try to learn if people will show me a better way or a way that may help me be better.
Personally I think I have a growth mindset in all aspects of life. Keeping an open mind will only open you up to improvement if you can let your ego take a back seat. Even the lowliest broom pusher maybe able to teach you a more effective way to push a broom if you just listen. I'm always open to suggestion or criticism if the moment warrants it. I am often researching and hearing various opinions on many subjects that interest my growth and development in fields t
If you ever want to learn a subject well teach it. The questions my students could come up with were fantastic.
I think of myself very open minded to the new. That of course doesn't mean I'll accept it, for all new, is not necessarily good.
I did a study on studying once lol. It seems on average in a seminar setting you retain 5% of what you hear, if you participate in an interactive discussion it jumps to 45-55%, and if you teach it jumps again to 95% retention. Granted these are averages but you get the point.
A friend of mine retired from the military said in his time in they would give instructions, show you how, and then you were to demonstrate whatever you had learned.
I did a study on studying once lol. It seems on average in a seminar setting you retain 5% of what you hear, if you participate in an interactive discussion it jumps to 45-55%, and if you teach it jumps again to 95% retention. Granted these are averages but you get the point.
A friend of mine retired from the military said in his time in they would give instructions, show you how, and then you were to demonstrate whatever you had learned.
Yep, when I attended Navy Instructor school we always referred to it as " Watch one, Do one, Teach one".
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