
FNG here with a Hellion question

Bullpups and "good triggers" are like oil and water. Just no physical way invented yet to deal with the transfer bars. I'm sure if anyone is planning making amazing triggers for bullpups will be a wealthy man.
Geissele makes an upgrade for the X95, but have no plans for the hellion. The hellion isn't terrible as far as BP triggers go. But coming off of something with a good trigger to that...it's just awful. I know it's still new to the market, but I was hoping someone on here might have an inside line on something that is in the works somewhere.
Bullpups and "good triggers" are like oil and water. Just no physical way invented yet to deal with the transfer bars. I'm sure if anyone is planning making amazing triggers for bullpups will be a wealthy man.
It’s like when people say - in my opinion, gen 5 Glocks have the best trigger ever. Translation: the best Glock trigger ever, which is like saying the best migraine ever.
Maybe yuse guys are just too picky. Bullpups are not made for precision. I have a couple Bullpup shotguns. Triggers seem fine to me. ;)
If all I'm shooting is the hellion, I adapt to it and after a little bit, it's fine and doesn't bother me. But, if I'm shooting something else and pick up the hellion...I want to pitch it down range. It's just a mushy spongy mess. But it's most noticable if I'm shooting other things as well. I spent a week familiarizing myself with it right after I got it and i didn't touch anything but the hellion. at the end of the week I had no issues with it at all. Until I started checking the zero on my 308 for hunting season. My brother was out with me, and so we took the hellion because he wanted to try it out. after shooting my 308, the trigger really showed just how bad it was going back to back on the two. I don't expect it to be like any of my other triggers, I would like it just a bit less spongy feeling though to make transitions between platforms a little less noticeable.