
Focusing on the Shooting Process for Better Results


Founding Member
Focusing on the process, not the outcome, is key to shooting better. Results stem from properly executed processes.

One of the things I love about shooting is that for that time I am at the range I don’t think about anything. I’m aware of my technique, but shooting for me is a very zen thing. My fist gun was a P365 SAS and my second was a PPQ, both fairly snappy guns and perhaps not the ideal choice for a noob, but my third gun - and this was all within a matter of weeks - was a Sig P320 X5 Legion and that was a totally different beast. It was low recoil, accurate to a fault and fit my hand like it was made for me. It was the first time that I felt one with the gun and allowed me to clear my mind and go into the zone. It is the way I do everything. Wax on, wax off.
I found the EBook "Feeling Center" very helpful for pistol shooting.

"Talent is overrated and only goes so far. Golfers and shooters work hard to overcome natural talent. Equipment and ammo will be discussed as well, but in pistol, these aren’t strong effects; the big factor is between your ears."

"As a prelude for thought, we will achieve this task with a six-step shot process: Approach, Grip, Stance, Position, Execution and Recovery."
