
For discussion - what is it about Glock Culture.....?


Master Class
This seems to be one of the most authentic and objective gun forums I frequent - so here goes -

Interested in your thoughts on the points in the video as well as the whole "Glock Culture" thing.

I posted the video below to a private facebook gun group I'm in.

I think the dude makes some great points of Glock criticism that should be able to be discussed objectively.

I got accused of "bashing" Glock.
Was told - Why do you need to bash Glock in order to feel better about owning Sigs? (I own a glock 19, 1 P320, Sig P226/9s, 2 PDPs. 2 FNs, 1 Staccato P, 2 P365XLs - clearly not a Team sig guy here)

The replies and sh*t I received was exactly the point 3 made by the guy in the video.

Also I think he's dead on with point 6. I don't think the 43X is a micro compact. While "micro" is a marketing term with little defined dimensions/characteristics - I think a true micro has all the following - grip in which most adults cannot get their pinky on; mag capacity in that grip of 10-13; and approx 1" narrow. The 43X meets one of those. I think the 43X and 48 are single stack compacts really. (NOT even saying the 43X is a bad choice or firearm.) .......and just to continue my rant further - I think the glock bias in the 2A community - because it has to have some glock on the list of "Best micro" - the 43X is called a "micro" when it really is not.

P365, Hellcat, FN 503, S&W CSX, Taurus G4X, etc, .....maybe the Glock 43 - but not the 43X IMO - too tall.

I got sh*t for that in the discussion.

Overwhelmingly the replies were proving exactly point 3 in the video. :)

Is Glock the only firearm, that when criticized gets this kind of reaction? (again point 3 made in the video)

My post -
"Top 6 reasons why people are getting rid of Glocks -
Interesting points - watch video for more elaboration.
1. No Innovation.
2.. Ugly
3. The Glock culture
4. Plastic
5. No thumb safety
6. They don't make a micro compact.

Not sure of the "getting rid of" part - but maybe these are reasons folks go with non-Glock options.

Does he have a point on each of these 6?"

This seems to be one of the most authentic and objective gun forums I frequent - so here goes -

Interested in your thoughts on the points in the video as well as the whole "Glock Culture" thing.

I posted the video below to a private facebook gun group I'm in.

I think the dude makes some great points of Glock criticism that should be able to be discussed objectively.

I got accused of "bashing" Glock.
Was told - Why do you need to bash Glock in order to feel better about owning Sigs? (I own a glock 19, 1 P320, Sig P226/9s, 2 PDPs. 2 FNs, 1 Staccato P, 2 P365XLs - clearly not a Team sig guy here)

The replies and sh*t I received was exactly the point 3 made by the guy in the video.

Also I think he's dead on with point 6. I don't think the 43X is a micro compact. While "micro" is a marketing term with little defined dimensions/characteristics - I think a true micro has all the following - grip in which most adults cannot get their pinky on; mag capacity in that grip of 10-13; and approx 1" narrow. The 43X meets one of those. I think the 43X and 48 are single stack compacts really. (NOT even saying the 43X is a bad choice or firearm.) .......and just to continue my rant further - I think the glock bias in the 2A community - because it has to have some glock on the list of "Best micro" - the 43X is called a "micro" when it really is not.

P365, Hellcat, FN 503, S&W CSX, Taurus G4X, etc, .....maybe the Glock 43 - but not the 43X IMO - too tall.

I got sh*t for that in the discussion.

Overwhelmingly the replies were proving exactly point 3 in the video. :)

Is Glock the only firearm, that when criticized gets this kind of reaction? (again point 3 made in the video)

My post -
"Top 6 reasons why people are getting rid of Glocks -
Interesting points - watch video for more elaboration.
1. No Innovation.
2.. Ugly
3. The Glock culture
4. Plastic
5. No thumb safety
6. They don't make a micro compact.

Not sure of the "getting rid of" part - but maybe these are reasons folks go with non-Glock options.

Does he have a point on each of these 6?"

not sure myself about a "Glock culture"...(i saw that video a few days ago by the way)

"innovative"?... why does Glock have to be ?
they work, don't they..???

a gun has to be pretty to work? to shoot? the only "pretty guns" (to me) are revolvers, and 1911's, in stainless steel, or satin, or highly polished Blued..."plastic guns" are well....."basic looking"

well i can think of a few more "plastic guns", i own, and you even have some yourself.

"thumb safety"?
why? i have several guns with no safety, my Hellcat which i carry, for instance. my G-30 which i carry at times as well,
as it is, the Glocks DO HAVE a trigger safety, how about learning to keep the finger off the trigger till needed??

"they don't make a micro-compact"?
why, some sort of rule, law, regulation that a company MUST make a micro-compact..???

they work, are dependable, used by many law enforcement, not overly priced

if people are trading in/selling thier Glocks so be it, it's thier prerogative to do so, as i sell my guns (of all brands) from time to time, i see no issue with selling off guns.

this is why people should rent a gun at the range (if rentals are available) and try out a gun before you buy it, as it'll save the person from buying a gun on someone's word, rather than experience it for themselves.
While I am not a Glock girl, I am always open to differences and nuances offered with guns I am not familiar with. I notice that some people get almost rabid when defending their firearm of choice. I own several handguns from several different manufacturers. They all have their positive points, and they ALL have negative ones also. These points are almost all subjective. They are relevant to each human who owns and operates them. Just because somebody calls out Glock (or Sig, or Kimber, or Smith & Wesson, et al) it doesn't mean they're calling out everyone who owns one. :rolleyes: Maybe I've been awake too long, but it seems to me that people get waaaay too touchy about firearm/caliber choice on some platforms of social media. And....if they ARE calling out those who own them, there needs to be some growing up to do.

That is why I love this forum...what is said here is taken in the context which it was intended. I have dabbled in others and have quickly lost interest because of what you mention here. I don't have the energy to deal with those "holier than thou" individuals. The older I get, the less I care what others think. I stay here because I respect the knowledge base of the members here.

BTW, I have NEVER handled a Glock before. I probably will eventually. I wasn't all that impressed with the Sig I rented, but that was a one time thing. I keep my options open, and I won't trash something I don't know just because I don't own it.

I'll get off this soapbox now... I feel a nosebleed coming on.:cool:
This seems to be one of the most authentic and objective gun forums I frequent - so here goes -

Interested in your thoughts on the points in the video as well as the whole "Glock Culture" thing.

I posted the video below to a private facebook gun group I'm in.

I think the dude makes some great points of Glock criticism that should be able to be discussed objectively.

I got accused of "bashing" Glock.
Was told - Why do you need to bash Glock in order to feel better about owning Sigs? (I own a glock 19, 1 P320, Sig P226/9s, 2 PDPs. 2 FNs, 1 Staccato P, 2 P365XLs - clearly not a Team sig guy here)

The replies and sh*t I received was exactly the point 3 made by the guy in the video.

Also I think he's dead on with point 6. I don't think the 43X is a micro compact. While "micro" is a marketing term with little defined dimensions/characteristics - I think a true micro has all the following - grip in which most adults cannot get their pinky on; mag capacity in that grip of 10-13; and approx 1" narrow. The 43X meets one of those. I think the 43X and 48 are single stack compacts really. (NOT even saying the 43X is a bad choice or firearm.) .......and just to continue my rant further - I think the glock bias in the 2A community - because it has to have some glock on the list of "Best micro" - the 43X is called a "micro" when it really is not.

P365, Hellcat, FN 503, S&W CSX, Taurus G4X, etc, .....maybe the Glock 43 - but not the 43X IMO - too tall.

I got sh*t for that in the discussion.

Overwhelmingly the replies were proving exactly point 3 in the video. :)

Is Glock the only firearm, that when criticized gets this kind of reaction? (again point 3 made in the video)

My post -
"Top 6 reasons why people are getting rid of Glocks -
Interesting points - watch video for more elaboration.
1. No Innovation.
2.. Ugly
3. The Glock culture
4. Plastic
5. No thumb safety
6. They don't make a micro compact.

Not sure of the "getting rid of" part - but maybe these are reasons folks go with non-Glock options.

Does he have a point on each of these 6?"

Ok, watched the video, not sure this guy know what he is talking about, but to be fair, he did bring up some points.

On the no innovation, he does have a point there

On the ugly gun, yea, heard that many times, some like it others don’t, but that’s life

On the culture, that just depends, I get picked on here about my Glocks, I just laugh, I don’t take it personally, I don’t get upset, I just hand it back by picking on members here who have H&K, Sig and such, it’s all in fun

On the plastic gun, what does this guy think Sig, H&K, Ruger plus many other polymer guns are made of….

On the no thumb safty, who actually needs one, many polymer guns don’t have one so to say this is a reason to return the gun

Last but no least, the G43 is a micro compact basically

I personally don’t think this guy knows what he is actually saying, none of my local shops that I visit have any used Glocks, S&W and Ruger yea, Glock, Sig and H&K, no. My thought this is just a clickbait video to get likes and such, what he has stated is already well known, but to say 6 reasons why people return them is BS
don't forget too, Glocks being traded-in, or sold are done for various reasons. maybe the person was chidded into getting rid of it for a more expensive gun, to satisfy his friends, or clique at the range or club??

there are "gun snobs" every where you go, like @belladonna alluded to, but did not word it that way...but i will.

"friends don't let friends buy Glocks"

why??? why should a person "keep up with the Joneses"? and buy what everyone else has..???

individualism is what's it's called, we are all individuals and are of free will
Nothing about grip angle? That is probably the MOST cited reason folks I've interacted with don't like Glocks. That's why I don't own one, or likely will get one. GFG has some good content, but he's all about scaring people into watching his videos...
last week at the range, i had the new guy behind the counter take out a 1911, and a G-17, and lay the G17 on top of the 1911...guess what...the grip angle in very close to being the same.

I personally don’t think this guy knows what he is actually saying, none of my local shops that I visit have any used Glocks, S&W and Ruger yea, Glock, Sig and H&K, no. My thought this is just a clickbait video to get likes and such, what he has stated is already well known, but to say 6 reasons why people return them is BS
and what jfal and you say, (the guy is a preacher or minister, if you did not know it already), and yes, he does try to over talk his subjects. i watch his channel for his frequent guest, "Maggie" a gun store sales gal, who i think has more knowledge than he does. after all, she works there, and as such see's and hears more.
Ok, watched the video, not sure this guy know what he is talking about, but to be fair, he did bring up some points.

On the no innovation, he does have a point there

On the ugly gun, yea, heard that many times, some like it others don’t, but that’s life

On the culture, that just depends, I get picked on here about my Glocks, I just laugh, I don’t take it personally, I don’t get upset, I just hand it back by picking on members here who have H&K, Sig and such, it’s all in fun

On the plastic gun, what does this guy think Sig, H&K, Ruger plus many other polymer guns are made of….

On the no thumb safty, who actually needs one, many polymer guns don’t have one so to say this is a reason to return the gun

Last but no least, the G43 is a micro compact basically

I personally don’t think this guy knows what he is actually saying, none of my local shops that I visit have any used Glocks, S&W and Ruger yea, Glock, Sig and H&K, no. My thought this is just a clickbait video to get likes and such, what he has stated is already well known, but to say 6 reasons why people return them is BS
I'm not sure that guy is agreeing with the 6 things. I think he is just putting those forward. I'm wondering where he is getting those 6 reasons from.
I used to be a big Glock owner. Never had issues with them and they always seemed to work. Hell, a Glock saved my life so yes I favored Glock. As I got older I had to have an operation on my shooting had and after surgery I just didn't shoot Glocks good anymore. After a long road I started selling off my Glocks to purchase other brands. But when I did that I got a lot of grief from Glock fanboys. All I can say is shoot what you like, that's why there are so many brands. I don't care what people shoot as long as they are happy with their choice. The only brand I tend to bash is Hi-Points--not fond of them.
I'm not sure that guy is agreeing with the 6 things. I think he is just putting those forward. I'm wondering where he is getting those 6 reasons from.
most likely from just going to gun stores, maybe even pawn shops where he knows the managers/sales people. he could also be doing some web searches as well

it may be limited to his area, rather than nationwide........i'd like to see stats on a national level on what he says, rather than local businesses.
Glocks can be inferior when you own hi points
I used to be a big Glock owner. Never had issues with them and they always seemed to work. Hell, a Glock saved my life so yes I favored Glock. As I got older I had to have an operation on my shooting had and after surgery I just didn't shoot Glocks good anymore. After a long road I started selling off my Glocks to purchase other brands. But when I did that I got a lot of grief from Glock fanboys. All I can say is shoot what you like, that's why there are so many brands. I don't care what people shoot as long as they are happy with their choice. The only brand I tend to bash is Hi-Points--not fond of them.
well...you single handley just pissed off all the Hi Point people....
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Go on HKPro and tell them that there are better guns than the P30 series and USP, or oddly enough, how good the VP9 is and you might as well say God is a hoax. 1911 forum and 1911 Addicts is the same if you discuss the viability of the 1911 as a carry gun or it levels of reliability. And obviously Glock Talk brings out the crazies when you mention any of the Austrian Wonder’s peculiarities. I find Sig Talk, The High Road and this forum, with this one on top by a country mile, to be the best forums to have a sensible measured discussion on just about anything. What I like about The Armory Life is it is more like a social club that discusses, among many other things, firearms and our passion for them in general. There is the greatest sense of community here.

As for Glocks, I’ve made it clear many times that style plays a big part of my selection process with anything, and although Glock certainly has a unique style, it is not for me. I did buy a Gucci Glock - a Shadow Systems DR 920 Elite - but I just did not like the trigger. It shot very well, and was dripping with style, but wasn’t fun to shoot, so it sits boxed up in my closet ready for a new owner.
Go on HKPro and tell them that there are better guns than the P30 series and USP, or oddly enough, how good the VP9 is and you might as well say God is a hoax. 1911 forum and 1911 Addicts is the same if you discuss the viability of the 1911 as a carry gun or it levels of reliability. And obviously Glock Talk brings out the crazies when you mention any of the Austrian Wonder’s peculiarities. I find Sig Talk, The High Road and this forum, with this one on top by a country mile, to be the best forums to have a sensible measured discussion on just about anything. What I like about The Armory Life is it is more like a social club that discusses, among many other things, firearms and our passion for them in general. There is the greatest sense of community here.

As for Glocks, I’ve made it clear many times that style plays a big part of my selection process with anything, and although Glock certainly has a unique style, it is not for me. I did buy a Gucci Glock - a Shadow Systems DR 920 Elite - but I just did not like the trigger. It shot very well, and was dripping with style, but wasn’t fun to shoot, so it sits boxed up in my closet ready for a new owner.
Go on HKPro and tell them that there are better guns than the P30 series and USP, or oddly enough, how good the VP9 is and you might as well say God is a hoax. 1911 forum and 1911 Addicts is the same if you discuss the viability of the 1911 as a carry gun or it levels of reliability. And obviously Glock Talk brings out the crazies when you mention any of the Austrian Wonder’s peculiarities. I find Sig Talk, The High Road and this forum, with this one on top by a country mile, to be the best forums to have a sensible measured discussion on just about anything. What I like about The Armory Life is it is more like a social club that discusses, among many other things, firearms and our passion for them in general. There is the greatest sense of community here.
"a social club"...???

isn't that where a "social disease" can be caught..????

i had better get updated shots