
For discussion - what is it about Glock Culture.....?

Glocks are like chevys when it comes to parts and add ons, back when i dirt tracked i always had a chevy. in a emergency on race night you find chevy parts on the side of a road, now i'm hopin to find a glock on the side of road but ain't happened yet. but parts are plentiful online.
Yea, no Glocks on side of road…..but I do see a lot of yeets on the berms…..😂😂
I'm willing to bet that a book entitled The Life and Times of Bassbob would shoot to the top of the New York Times best seller list in a matter of days.
All joking, screwing around and thread hi-jacking aside, I am confident I could write a book incorporating my own life experiences that would at least do well. I started a little competition with my wife, her brother and his wife. We are all tasked with writing a simple short story and then we are going to pass them around between us and vote on the best one. Should be fun.

When I finally got my head out of my azz and went to college I took mainly political science and English comp classes. It was about an hour ride to school and on at least one occasion I wrote an A paper on the way to school. The one I am thinking of was called "Surfing in December". It was about being picked up in Vegas by 3 of my friends and two chicks, in a compact 4 seater, like a Dodge Omni or something and driving in to LA. First stop was Venice Beach. It was my birthday ( December 4 ) and we were boogie boarding off Venice Beach. I'm confident I could write an interesting book just about my time in LA ( 1986-87-88). So much seems to happen to you when you're on the road or living in a strange place. Especially traveling like we did. Broke as F, with no prospects and no expectations and just the clothes on your back, a guitar and a duffle bag. After a week or so you just throw your socks and underwear in a trash can because it's just another thing you gotta figure out how to wash.

Anyway, my fading memory leaves my grasp of composition, grammar, sentence structure, etc. in a sad state, but usually the story is comprehensible and interesting.
All joking, screwing around and thread hi-jacking aside, I am confident I could write a book incorporating my own life experiences that would at least do well. I started a little competition with my wife, her brother and his wife. We are all tasked with writing a simple short story and then we are going to pass them around between us and vote on the best one. Should be fun.

When I finally got my head out of my azz and went to college I took mainly political science and English comp classes. It was about an hour ride to school and on at least one occasion I wrote an A paper on the way to school. The one I am thinking of was called "Surfing in December". It was about being picked up in Vegas by 3 of my friends and two chicks, in a compact 4 seater, like a Dodge Omni or something and driving in to LA. First stop was Venice Beach. It was my birthday ( December 4 ) and we were boogie boarding off Venice Beach. I'm confident I could write an interesting book just about my time in LA ( 1986-87-88). So much seems to happen to you when you're on the road or living in a strange place. Especially traveling like we did. Broke as F, with no prospects and no expectations and just the clothes on your back, a guitar and a duffle bag. After a week or so you just throw your socks and underwear in a trash can because it's just another thing you gotta figure out how to wash.

Anyway, my fading memory leaves my grasp of composition, grammar, sentence structure, etc. in a sad state, but usually the story is comprehensible and interesting.
Holy Plastic Fantastic Batman!


This thread sure blew up in a hurry, quite entertaining! You guys are a riot. I mean that.

In six pages, have we heard back from the OP yet? Did he just want to start something? :unsure:

People are different. I've gotten flack because I drive a Dodge Ram pickup. :LOL:

Did the OP mention a Springfield Armory product in his list of firearms he owns? Hmmm.

I'm just making observations here. No worries. I'm enjoying the conversation.

So far I haven't run into anyone with "Glock Derangement Syndrome" or anything. I don't know why it causes such a varied and sometimes heated response from some people. They're just tools. Some folks like Craftsman, some like Snap-On.

OK, I'll shut up now because I really have nothing to add. I just stopped by to say how much I appreciate all you guys.

Thank you for your indulgence,

Holy Plastic Fantastic Batman!

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This thread sure blew up in a hurry, quite entertaining! You guys are a riot. I mean that.

In six pages, have we heard back from the OP yet? Did he just want to start something? :unsure:

People are different. I've gotten flack because I drive a Dodge Ram pickup. :LOL:

Did the OP mention a Springfield Armory product in his list of firearms he owns? Hmmm.

I'm just making observations here. No worries. I'm enjoying the conversation.

So far I haven't run into anyone with "Glock Derangement Syndrome" or anything. I don't know why it causes such a varied and sometimes heated response from some people. They're just tools. Some folks like Craftsman, some like Snap-On.

OK, I'll shut up now because I really have nothing to add. I just stopped by to say how much I appreciate all you guys.

Thank you for your indulgence,

OP here - I replied in the discussion.
Not really trying to start anything but an honest discussion.

Like any firearm, I think Glock can be honestly critiqued. Personally, I think on various forums, Glock critiques are met with more vitriol than other firearms/brands.

When I got back into firearms (7 or so years ago) - I was all Glock and owned several. Once I started buying/shooting other modern striker fired offerings, I found that newer non-Glock models offered better ergonomics, better options/more features OEM than Glock - I.e. better OEM triggers, quicker with optic ready, etc.

Personally, I think Glock should be sooner to innovate and offer better triggers OEM - in other words One should not have to change the trigger, sights, etc. to get "Glock Perfection." One should not have to go after market to get 15 rounds in the 43X. Having said that - why change when you still get the majority of market share, other companies will research/design better components, and Glock brand loyalists will continue to buy and upgrade with after market parts.

To be clear - I'm all for options and I think we are in a golden age of firearms.

The Glock vitriol against any objective criticism of the brand just seems both funny and a little ridiculous to me.

That's all.
Gaston was one of the sons of Baduhenna
OP here - I replied in the discussion.
Not really trying to start anything but an honest discussion.

Like any firearm, I think Glock can be honestly critiqued. Personally, I think on various forums, Glock critiques are met with more vitriol than other firearms/brands.

When I got back into firearms (7 or so years ago) - I was all Glock and owned several. Once I started buying/shooting other modern striker fired offerings, I found that newer non-Glock models offered better ergonomics, better options/more features OEM than Glock - I.e. better OEM triggers, quicker with optic ready, etc.

Personally, I think Glock should be sooner to innovate and offer better triggers OEM - in other words One should not have to change the trigger, sights, etc. to get "Glock Perfection." One should not have to go after market to get 15 rounds in the 43X. Having said that - why change when you still get the majority of market share, other companies will research/design better components, and Glock brand loyalists will continue to buy and upgrade with after market parts.

To be clear - I'm all for options and I think we are in a golden age of firearms.

The Glock vitriol against any objective criticism of the brand just seems both funny and a little ridiculous to me.

That's all.
Interesting reading everyone’s comments about Glocks. I’ve bought & then later sold 2; a 27 the subcompact 40 w/ a Pearce pinkie grabber for ‘deep’ concealment & a 23, the ‘compact’ 40. Shot many of my friends Glocks, never did as well as they did but assumed I just needed more trigger time. Nope. Shoot my HK USP 40 way better than I ever could my Glocks. Really tried to like them but felt I should concentrate my time on what I already shot better. Sold them both for a slight profit & chalked it up to living & learning.

Glock proponents seem to be more vocal w/ defending their faves AND dissing on every other manufacturer. I have no interest in arguing w/ people unwilling to listen objectively - ya don’t havta like what I’m saying but it’s foolish & immature to dismiss it cuz it shakes ur ‘confirmation bias’ or threatens ur emotionally based choices of guns, sports teams, or vehicles.

Rabid hyper fans of anything make me wonder why they’re so passionately trying to convince me they are right & im an idiot for even doubting their viewpoint. The word ‘fan’ is short for ‘fanatic’ - my position is use the tool that suits you best or that you seem to do your best work with. Put in the effort & the results will come. At least that’s how I’m seeing it - Much of this thread is parallel to the one talking about ‘can you shoot better w/ a more expensive gun ?’ Yes …. and … no. What are your givens ; compared to .. blank on & on. Got a bit windy there but just throwing out my 2 cents worth .. for what it’s worth ( yeah, I know .. 2 cents ). Still haven’t shot a Hi Point so maybe that’ll be my claim to ‘fanaticism’ after fire one … ( yeah when winged pigs fly outta . . never mind )

OP here - I replied in the discussion.
Not really trying to start anything but an honest discussion.

It's been a great discussion. I'm sorry I missed your earlier post in the thread. I admit I didn't read every page thoroughly. But I think every gun forum needs a good Glock thread periodically. ;) It's all in fun, quite entertaining, and enlightening. I'll also admit that I've never fired a Glock. I am the least qualified to comment in this thread so I'll shut up, again. :LOL: Thanks for putting up with me.

Thank you for your indulgence,

i had to review the video again...he mentions that millions of "NEW gun people" bought the Glocks under advice from friends and relatives"...(i may have even mentioned that last night myself)

there you have it, people that took advice, rather than to go and rent one and try it out...BEFORE buying.

now too, there may be ranges out there that simply do not have rentals available..

well then, did the people "advising to buy the Glock", ever take thier friends/relatives to a range and have them shoot thiers..???

if not, then the buyer, bought the gun blindly, and is solely responsible for the out come, not GLock, not H&K, or Hi Point, of whatever else.

as i signed off last night, this is what made me wonder, the buyer, was it a first timer or experienced buyer?

frankly, i thought first time buyer.

and the video proved that in about the first few minutes of the video (just past the paid ad)

so what this means is that the millions of new Glock sales that had returns, were from newbies, dissatisfied with the gun.

would the numbers of returns be the same for a CZ, 1911, H&K, Canik, Beretta, how about a revolver with a trigger pull of about 15 pounds..???.....and others..??

i think the numbers would be high as well, as when people don't try on the pants before they buy them, and just take them home, and cannot get the zipper to zip up.......they return the pants, all cuz they were lacking going into the fitting room,, BEFORE buying.

you gotta advise a newbie to try yours, or rent one out first, rent several guns first, then buy what fits, and works best for you.

i think those "6 top reasons" for returning a Glock are a cop out to a lack of time renting.
I think that’s a lot of it. New gun buyers.

I used to hear from people who had never owned, or even shot, a gun before: “I want to get a 9mm”.
I always thought that was pretty specific .
Not just “get a gun”, but “get a 9mm”.

Over time, this has become “I want to get a Glock”. Even more specific.

What led them to this firm decision?
I think for a lot of people, Glock has become the world’s generic handgun. The standard. And if you don’t choose one, what’s the deal?
I could write a book. It would be a best seller among my age group as it will cure insomnia.😁
i too could write something about my life, a 2 sided pamphlet, you know as much info on me as all the famous Jewish athletes

(i have mentioned a few times, i am indeed part Jew), so i can say that....

as well as i am part catholic, Italian, white, short, bald and a great grand father....

I started shooting Glock pistols in 1985 and even though I had tried others before and after my first Glock, I have stuck with basic no frills Glock pistols since 1985. I like their utilitarian design, ease of cleaning and maintenance. I prefer their full size frames with long slides. I don't claim they are the best pistols in any particular category but they work for me, I shoot them well and that's what counts. I look at Glock like I look at V8 engines, there are alternatives to V8 engines and I have tried many of these alternatives, but I keep coming back to V8s and I miss my V8 when I don't have one.

I started shooting Glock pistols in 1985 and even though I had tried others before and after my first Glock, I have stuck with basic no frills Glock pistols since 1985. I like their utilitarian design, ease of cleaning and maintenance. I prefer their full size frames with long slides. I don't claim they are the best pistols in any particular category but they work for me, I shoot them well and that's what counts. I look at Glock like I look at V8 engines, there are alternatives to V8 engines and I have tried many of these alternatives, but I keep coming back to V8s and I miss my V8 when I don't have one.

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not many tools needed to repair a Glock either.

you don't need a sear jig, honing stones, trigger gauge, torque driver, bushing tool, grip screws or bushings, hollow ground screw drivers, or special oils/greases

a "battle field " gun......
I moved to South Carolina in 1988 and I was shooting my G17 at an indoor range when Glock representatives arrived with S.L.E.D. officers to demonstrate the new pistol. They were shocked to see me shooting my Glock because they were not available in S.C. at the time, a discussion ensued and the Glock reps invited me to join the demonstration which included shooting their G18 and a G19 prototype. Good times.