
Forum Suggestions

🕖🤖 ☕, that is correct.

BET7 and 10mmLife......dancing......and they call me a robot..🤔🤔🤔🤔
A dedicated hunting forum, pretty please!!!
one that allows posting of the Pictures of Animals we have taken during our legal hunting events .I went for a walk in the woods yesterday with my AR-15 Pistol and a Jumped a 200 Pound Feral Boar Hog Napping in the mud and I nailed him with a 5.56mm 62 grain green tip in the head and turned him a flip . I loaded him up took him to the pressure wash hosed him off field dressed him and skinned him out and quartered him for processing into Chops, Ham & Sausage the meat will be donated to the needy.
Yeah that’s what I was saying. Posting rifles, ammo used, groups shot when sighting in, scopes. Bows and handguns. Where you are hunting whether it be going on a hunting trip or hunting your own land or a lease. Posting deals on hunting gear and of course posting pictures of game taken and even pictures from your trail camera.
Yeah that’s what I was saying. Posting rifles, ammo used, groups shot when sighting in, scopes. Bows and handguns. Where you are hunting whether it be going on a hunting trip or hunting your own land or a lease. Posting deals on hunting gear and of course posting pictures of game taken and even pictures from your trail camera.
So... will we get the Lounge section back intact, or will we need to start all-new threads? Will we even get the Lounge back?? It's my favorite section!