
Frustrated, Mad, and Sad


I’m frustrated and mad. I can’t believe people buy into all the misinformation and lies about the Covid vaccine. I’m also mad that some talking heads on television help to promote the BS that is out there. I hate that there is so much BS on the social media.

My cousin was one of those believers and he died one week ago, July 9th, from complications from Covid. He was in the hospital 12 days before he succumbed. He was 85 years old and was buried today in a family plot. Southwest MO where he lived had become a hot spot for new Covid cases.

I hate that Covid and the vaccine have become political issues. If only he had gotten the vaccine…if only.

I’m sure this thread will be deleted but I had to vent my frustration. My apologizes to the Moderators.
I’m frustrated and mad. I can’t believe people buy into all the misinformation and lies about the Covid vaccine. I’m also mad that some talking heads on television help to promote the BS that is out there. I hate that there is so much BS on the social media.

My cousin was one of those believers and he died one week ago, July 9th, from complications from Covid. He was in the hospital 12 days before he succumbed. He was 85 years old and was buried today in a family plot. Southwest MO where he lived had become a hot spot for new Covid cases.

I hate that Covid and the vaccine have become political issues. If only he had gotten the vaccine…if only.

I’m sure this thread will be deleted but I had to vent my frustration. My apologizes to the Moderators.
I'm sorry for your loss. Same thing's happening here in SW Oklahoma.
Condolences. That sucks, period.

Yeah, I don’t get it, at all…the idea that “my 10 minutes of interwebs research”—or whatever length of time, I don’t care—makes a person more knowledgeable about how vaccines work than, say, a whole boatload of people with PhD’s and $6.5B of research is…ignorant doesn’t cover it.

A world-class case of Dunning-Krueger on steroids and meth, maybe.
I'm sorry to hear about your cousin. That's terrible. This is one of those things that we should really just agree on as a nation, like we used to with polio and the measles. Vaccines work, they're safe, and they protect us and everyone we come in contact with. There are things that should transcend politics and something like a vaccine in the middle of a pandemic is one of them. I wish people still respected experience and expertise instead of listening to social media and talking heads; we wouldn't have so many loved ones in a bad way right now. I hope the threat stays respectful and doesn't get deleted since it seems you got some catharsis out of posting. You and you family have my sincere sympathy.
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My condolences on your loss. I got my shots not so much out of concern for myself, I have had a good ride, but for my daughter and grandchildren. No matter what , no matter which side is right in the arguments, I know my beliefs, I refuse to be a possible danger to them.
Sad for you and your family's loss! Not wanting to get it because not knowing long term effects/affects for a fast produced vaccine is on my not to do list! My family feels the same as I. It is a decision everyone has too make and theirs alone and I respect that! My mother is 82 and is healthy for her age. She is a hard NO on her decision.
My condolences Oaktree45.

I have not been interested in getting the vaccine. My wife got it about 6 months ago. I broke down and got the first shot on the 5th of July. I can get the second on the 26th. My parents are 80-ish. They flat refuse. They have both had C-19. Hopefully they still have the antibodies.
So sorry for your loss. A girl that had lived up the street came down with Covid in December and died on Christmas Day. She was only 28. Her death was such a shock, and her parents are completely devastated. This has been a dreadful year for too many families across the country.
I’m frustrated and mad. I can’t believe people buy into all the misinformation and lies about the Covid vaccine. I’m also mad that some talking heads on television help to promote the BS that is out there. I hate that there is so much BS on the social media.

My cousin was one of those believers and he died one week ago, July 9th, from complications from Covid. He was in the hospital 12 days before he succumbed. He was 85 years old and was buried today in a family plot. Southwest MO where he lived had become a hot spot for new Covid cases.

I hate that Covid and the vaccine have become political issues. If only he had gotten the vaccine…if only.

I’m sure this thread will be deleted but I had to vent my frustration. My apologizes to the Moderators.
What a terrible situation - you & your fam have our sympathy, and our prayers, for your loss…
Hang in there…
I’m frustrated and mad. I can’t believe people buy into all the misinformation and lies about the Covid vaccine. I’m also mad that some talking heads on television help to promote the BS that is out there. I hate that there is so much BS on the social media.

My cousin was one of those believers and he died one week ago, July 9th, from complications from Covid. He was in the hospital 12 days before he succumbed. He was 85 years old and was buried today in a family plot. Southwest MO where he lived had become a hot spot for new Covid cases.

I hate that Covid and the vaccine have become political issues. If only he had gotten the vaccine…if only.

I’m sure this thread will be deleted but I had to vent my frustration. My apologizes to the Moderators.
My prayers go out to you and your family.
The political football was first kicked by the anti-Trumpers. They couldn't bear to see him with even one win.

Another point: Why is the mad influx of the unvaccinated/untested coming across our borders never associated with renewed ChiCom Flu infections? The news treats the two stories as completely separate issues.
The federal government is actively shipping untested illegal aliens into the heartland daily.

If they don't bump your comment, I am sure they will mine.
Condolences Oaktree ............ it's a horrible situation to lose a loved one. I lost my youngest brother (58) to the virus too, but just before the vaccine became available.

And to iklwa's comment just above, it's really concerning just how many of those coming across the southern border might be infected and yet moved out across the country with little to no info from the gov't as to where they're being placed.
Thank you all for the kind words of sympathy. I took this death harder than the death of my own brother many years ago. My brother had been dealing with major health issues for years and spent the last two years of his life in a nursing home before he died. It was just his time and his suffering was finally over.

My cousin on the other hand was in fairly good health for his age but he did have COPD that he used a bronchodilator for. He should have been first in line to get the Covid vaccine but no, he bought into all the BS (experimental, long term side effects, changes your DNA, Etc.) that was spread about the vaccine. When he died I was pissed at him for not getting the shot. I’m getting over it but I’m still upset with him. He passed before it was really his time. He was always my cooler older cousin.

Normally I would vent my frustration with him on my Social Media page but since I’m friends with so many of his friends and relatives I didn’t want to post anything.

Thanks again for the kind words everyone.