
Funniest movie you've ever seen?

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Founding Member
I thought it might be fun to start a list of our favorite funny movies, and maybe calling out the funniest scene. One of my favorites is The Naked Gun, and the bit where he wore the microphone into the bathroom after the press conference. I was laughing so hard the first time I saw it I had to rewind the tape (yes, VHS ... ) back to actually hear the sounds he was making.

Still makes me laugh!!!
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Mad World, Blazing Saddles, Naked Gun, Airplane.....
I have two that I have watched a million times and still get goose bumps I'm laughing so hard.

1. "Do you have Miss Piggy" "The new Oldsmobiles are in early this year!" Blues Brothers Mall Scene.

2. "It's just a case of War Nerves!" "War Nerves!" Wild Bill Kelso in "1941"
Hey gang, I thought it might be fun to start a list of our favorite funny movies, and maybe calling out the funniest scene. One of my favorites is The Naked Gun, and the bit where he wore the microphone into the bathroom after the press conference. I was laughing so hard the first time I saw it I had to rewind the tape (yes, VHS ... ) back to actually hear the sounds he was making.

Still makes me laugh!!!
Prior to the Naked was "Police Squad". Only six episodes because they were afraid it moved to fast for viewers to follow... Idiots!! Have all six episodes along with the Naked series.... real good stuff.
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