Saying we have to get away from natural gas because it isn't green enough makes you sound silly. Pretending that electricity is greener than natural gas is patently absurd.Eventually, I plan on it.
Replaced my gas water heater with an electric a couple years ago.
Again, you seem to think saying “we need to get away from it” means “we have to stop NOW”. That’s not realistic, and just makes you sound silly.
I also feel the need to point out that there is not one documented case of fracking contaminating ground water. There is one case of mishandling the waste produced by fracking. And all the alleged incidents where people report turning on the faucet and setting the water on fire have proved not to have anything to do with fracking or drilling at all. It's natural gas. It occurs underground, naturally.
That said, I have no problem with people who want to explore renewable energy. I have a problem with people who want to go about it in such a way that it not only bankrupts the fossil fuel industry but puts a massive burden on the citizenry. THOSE are the people who need to either STFU or unhook their electric meters and turn off their gas and start riding their bike to work.