
Gas prices...

Its a joke,a friend in the UK said gas prices are $2.43 a litre or $11.05 a gallon at some pumps for E10 gas,premium E5 gas and diesel are more,In London gas is $2.63 a litre.
And natural gas is expected to hit $3,500 a year for heating/cooking,funny how last year a lot of energy companies went "bust" in the UK leaving a select few to get your gas and electricity from,not planned of course 🙄.
Stifling the energy production sector while printing trillion$ has consequences.
Gas is going up a dime a day around here. Globalists want you to walk, take the bus or ride a bicycle. If you won't, their energy companies will take all your dust. Whatever happens, they win.
Besides tax purposes and the few years ago after an ILLINOIS refinery had delivered a load bad gas that ruined a few customers gas tanks at a couple of gas stations, I always retain/save/hoard my receipts. Here’s a bit of history. These are suburban Chicago shell stations. The last purchase receipt was for V-Power on a collector car so it’s a bit more inflated, maybe 50¢ more than regular so figure it was around $5.899.
Stifling the energy production sector while printing trillion$ has consequences.
Gas is going up a dime a day around here. Globalists want you to walk, take the bus or ride a bicycle. If you won't, their energy companies will take all your dust. Whatever happens, they win.

I would like to know one thing, since our IL the gas tax portion is about 38¢ a gallon (2nd highest in the USA) as the prices rise the state tax revenue remains the same. The state actually could lose revenue as costs go up the sales/gas consumption tends to go down, although it is summer driving season. Exception is the income tax on those profits. Company profits may and are increased in the short term, but I’m sure there will be consequences, whether levies, employment or regulation. Yes, oil companies are raking in for now and consumer lookout is bleak…until at least early 2025.
i'd love to see those nitwits from the mid 2000's that went thru a gas crisis then. this one gal had a Huumer and back then, it cost her like $80 to fill up. she said something like "she loved" her large car.

i'd like to know if she still owns it and anyone else that owns such a gas guzzler at today's daily price hikes.

i'm wondering how much they "love" thier large cars.