
Gaston Glock Dies at 94 Years Old

Call me old school but I was brought up not to make fun of the recently deceased, I find no humor in it, just disrespect, I was brought up to respect the dead, sorry, but that is how I feel
Is that the Glock in you talking ā€¦ ?
Joke .. just a joke..
Lots of folks find humor in death. Death isnt always about somber notesā€¦ why its called a ā€œcelebration of lifeā€ to some and a funeral to others. Iā€™ve been to more ā€œfuneralsā€ where everyone laughs rather than be somber
Lots of folks find humor in death. Death isnt always about somber notesā€¦ why its called a ā€œcelebration of lifeā€ to some and a funeral to others. Iā€™ve been to more ā€œfuneralsā€ where everyone laughs rather than be somber
As Prophet and Philosopher Penn Jillette profoundly observed, "Grieve in the way that makes you happy." ;)
One thing, I am not grieving for a person I don't know, I guess I was just brought up differently then most when it comes to not being disrespectful to the dead, anyway, do what you want, I was just sayin, most of this wouldn't even have been said if it was someone who was associated with H&K, just because it was Glock....carry on
One thing, I am not grieving for a person I don't know, I guess I was just brought up differently then most when it comes to not being disrespectful to the dead, anyway, do what you want, I was just sayin, most of this wouldn't even have been said if it was someone who was associated with H&K, just because it was Glock....carry on
Oh, HK would get fair treatmentā€¦

Thank goodness Hi-Point or Mr Buick didn't pass awayā€¦ heaven forbid on the same day
Thats the end of an era! Watch the company get woke and go down the tubes.

Dave Spaulding told me once that Gaston was what kept real innovation from happening. He wasnā€™t interested in making a ton of products like other companies.

Iā€™m sure there will be a heated legal fight from the kids and wife 1 and wife 2 even if he had it set but after that clears Iā€™d look for some productive additions to the product line!

Time will tell!
I will admit I liked his firearms. I will also admit if it wasn't for a Glock I would not be here. They are simple and always seem to work in any condition. Say what you want but if it wasn't for Glock a lot of firearms would not even be around. He was a genius. I owe him my life and may he rest in peace.
I was one of the first LEO's in my county to carry a Glock product for duty. For the longest time I was the butt of many jokes, oh made by mattel, made by lego, put your leftover lunch in the tupperware shipping box and so on. And now a lot of those ass busters are carrying what now ? Glocks. Now don't get me wrong I have pistols from a lot of different companies out there and love a lot of em. But I only seen 2 Glocks in 33 years of being a LEO ever having to be sent back due to difficulties and YES they work in all conditions. Trust me my duty weapons have seen the gamut of just about everything...