

Hard men. Those old boys grew up in the Depression, no “safety nets”, you worked at whatever was available or you went hungry. From that straight into the Second World War. Hard, tough men. Like the saying goes, hard times make hard men, hard men make good times. Good times make soft men, Soft men make hard times and so the cycles continues.
Beautiful article. Most of the men in formative years were such as they. My dad fought the Japanese in China as did Uncle Bob, Uncle Dave fought the Germans in Italy and survived Anzio.. Uncle Larry a Marine as was my Aunt Vickie. Their all gone now and missed.
Beautiful article. Most of the men in formative years were such as they. My dad fought the Japanese in China as did Uncle Bob, Uncle Dave fought the Germans in Italy and survived Anzio.. Uncle Larry a Marine as was my Aunt Vickie. Their all gone now and missed.
Wow, my Dad was in China as well (12th Service Group, 14th Airforce). One uncle Orville, was Army beachmaster-made 5 landings in the Pacific, second uncle Paul landed in Normandy of D+1, fought all the way across Europe. Hard men. All came home safely, worked hard, raised families. None ever depended upon the gov’t to help them out, they did it on their own. Uncle Orville passed 10 years ago. He still had a piece of Japanese schrapnel in his back when he died. He never received a Purple Heart or any benefits for it. My Mom saw the scar when he was working on his car right after he got home. She asked him about it and he said a Jap mortar shell hit near him. He went to the aid station and “there were guys dying there and others hurt a lot worse I was. I just turned around and went back to my unit”. Hard men.
Grew up around a lot of them, neighbors, school teachers, my Uncle Frank. One of my neighbors and teacher was Capt. George Street, USN--medal of Honor. He was a great person. Other family members were in WW1. Also my father who was from Lithuania and served in the German Army. I still remember all of them. They were great to be around especially if the liquor was flowing! I was the only one in my family that served in my time. It was because of them I joined.