only since january of 2020.
like i said, under a stressful situation, you gonna ask the perp to wait a few minutes while you fumble around looking for the cartridge to place into the barrell and then shoot? or just start shooting, cuz there is already 1 in the chamber?
if one has arthritis, having the gun fully loaded (1 already in the chamber like a normal gun) how can that person grasp a round rolling around in her purse, or his pocket fast enough before the perp attacks.???
how fast did Barney Fife find his lone cartridge, in his shirt pocket, cooly and calmly..????
i think it's a joke of a gun to use if for self defense. ok to maybe use at the range.
yeah, i agree, the Hi Points are yet another joke.
hey, we have people that like Hardly-Depedables, over Honda, Suzuki, Yamaha, people who love thier Fords, over a Dodge, or Chevy.
i'd not be a buyer a flip top barrell.......a joke of a gun