
Glock 17 the best home defense handgun?

I think we see this often in several articles on how a writer writes on a subject. With so many excellent options out there to choose from and the difference in male/female and hand size there is something for everyone. These companies realize this and have even added backstraps to interchange with their pistols to fit ones hand. This wasn’t an option years back. I can understand one saying this doesn’t “feel” right or good in my hand compared to X gun. But to go after a Glock for looks is silly. I think the M&P 2.0 is a better “looking” pistol. I don’t buy on looks or I’d have a safe full of Wilson Combats or Ed Browns. HK offers better looking pistols and some of their offering I would choose over Glock depending on which situation I was getting in.

The article was in fun, for those I have seen posting their Glocks. I’m happy with mine just like I am with my other firearms.
My current Glock Roster
I know we have some like Glock @Annihilator and myself and some that don’t. Having said that a pretty good read on Glock, for those that do. https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/glock-17-best-home-defense-gun-earth-182419
My first semi automatic handgun was a Glock 19. I still own it and will prob never get rid of it. Current roster of Glock are a 19,20,29 and 44. The 17 just has too much length in the handgrip making it less versatile, in my opinion. Also you can own a 26 or 19 and put the long mag in it for those home defense situations. I will add that I have never liked the not having a manual safety just not my thing. Now with that being said within the past year I bought a Hellcat and Sig 365( with manual safety). I like both but have carried the Hellcat much more and when they offered the Hellcat with safety I bought another. 😁 I ran outta time on the edit.. I like that Springfield Listens to its consumers and think Glock in general has not listened as well. Ex: the 44, . At least I had higher expectations, but then again so did “Chuck”.

With all that being said, I’d have just about any Glock as a home defense weapon with the exception of the 44.
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