
Good grief it's hot

it's not that our temps here were that high, but the humidity/dew points, made it "feel like" over 100, and the air was so think, even a Sawzall could not cut thru it.

misspelt a word....

should have read this way...

it's not that our temps here were that high, but the humidity/dew points, made it "feel like" over 100, and the air was so thick, even a Sawzall could not cut thru it.
We had triple digit digits only once this summer so far, unlike last year. Mostly nineties. We don't get the severe "air you can wear" here in MN very often, but it creeps in a little sometimes and we whine about it a bit, then we have a big cool storm with baseball sized hail straight line winds, maybe a little twister. Then the hissy fit is over and the sun comes out like nothing happened. We complain far too much about it IMO. I do feel for you guys. I used to spend summers in San Antonio (my bro is still there), Anyplace south of here is mighty tired of the hot wet blanket already.
Not me. And I've spent considerable time in both. Though I will admit that not ALL of Arkansas sucks. The northern part is very much like southern Missouri. And some of Oklahoma does suck. Tulsa, OKC for sure. I spend a lot of time in Tallequah and Muskogee.
Went to school in OK and flew the whole state. Drove it also.
People in both are the same
ARK countryside is way better than OK ..
i really do remember all the times i'd be down there on I-40, going thru Kingman, AZ, and stopping at the Petro truck stop.

i'd park a distance from the building, to force me to walk to get some exercise to my legs.

this one time, i was like slipping as i walked, and i looked down to see if i was walking on truck oil, or maybe even grease.

but nope, i was wearing those cheap work boots that had the white soles, i think like a crepe material?

and the soles were not exactly melting, but maybe unable to handle that 115+ heat beating down on that blacktop..??