
Good Sign for Ammo Availability?

Money is just paper, a convention. Is not that the bullets got more expensive, in reality your wages got reduced by politicians printing paper. There is an increased supply of that printed paper.

In 2018 I had a Radeon RX580 Red Devil Golden that, a year later, in 2019, I wasn't too happy with it and I moved into my daughter computer to make room for an used GTX1080. At that point the RX580 would sell for like $200 and I have paid for an used GTX1080 some $380-$400.
Today, 2021, Newegg sells the RX580 Red Devil at $600-$1150 and the GTX1080 at $1200-2000.
Cell phones prices? Don't get me started... and the next year will be even worse.
Car manufacturers cannot sell cars because they don't have enough chips for them. Toyota gives only one FOB with their new cars because cannot get enough chips even for FOBs!
I remember thinking in fall 2019 that people are crazy to pay $10,000 for a Bitcoin when it just sold in that spring for like $3,500. Now I wish I was crazy too... It's $62,000 today.

This is not over. The democrats will destroy this country.
You do realize there has been this global pandemic thing for the past year that shut down factories making the chips, the factories making the products that make the chips, all the way down to the mines where they’re digging out the raw materials, right? We won’t even get into the impacts in the transportation chain...

And while yes, the fact that people have a bit more to spend right now will drive up prices somewhat...the overall scarcity of products right now due to supply chain disruptions is the primary driver in in prices.
You do realize there has been this global pandemic thing for the past year that shut down factories making the chips, the factories making the products that make the chips, all the way down to the mines where they’re digging out the raw materials, right?
I don't get what you disagree with.
So with LESS production (less supply) we have pushed MORE money in the circuit. Biden/Congress just trowed 1.9 Trillion USD at that and only 25% will actually build something tangible (infrastructure).

That's textbook definition of inflation.

As for those factories, they were mostly robotized already. People working in them were few and already away one from another. There is not a "pandemic" that prevents them to churn out production. It's global crashing of currencies, same like what happens in US.
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You do realize there has been this global pandemic thing for the past year that shut down factories making the chips, the factories making the products that make the chips, all the way down to the mines where they’re digging out the raw materials, right? We won’t even get into the impacts in the transportation chain...

And while yes, the fact that people have a bit more to spend right now will drive up prices somewhat...the overall scarcity of products right now due to supply chain disruptions is the primary driver in in prices.

I tend to agree about supply and demand.
That said the economy is not looking the greatest. Just like your statement, I fear that we have not hardly begun to feel the effects of the economy.
I really just try and keep things simple. I have been telling everyone, well given I do not really talk to people I do not know except on here and one other forum, everyone is a loose term. Anyway I said that grain prices would go up, They are up over $2 a bushel since harvest. Now when corn prices go up, feed prices go up and when feed prices go up, food prices go up. But I it does not stop there. This is not just a blip like a toilet paper shortage. Because now they are getting ready to plow and plant the fields. Even with perfect weather and conditions for a bumper crop (say it is possible), the price of fuel has skyrocketed. Which is going to raise the cost of grain or at least put some legs under it that it wont drop in price for quite awhile.
So now it is going to cost more to fill your belly as well as fill your gas tank. (if they do the $15 an hour minimum wage for restaurants who is going to be able to afford to eat out?)
Meanwhile the government is spending 60 to 100 million a week on immigrants at the border.
Again, I am a simple man, but I can without a doubt say that this administration is by far the worst with money I have ever seen and if they are not careful, we are going to be looking at a 2nd great depression.
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I don't get what you disagree with.
So with LESS production (less supply) we have pushed MORE money in the circuit. Biden/Congress just trowed 1.9 Trillion USD at that and only 25% will actually build something tangible (infrastructure).

That's textbook definition of inflation.

As for those factories, they were mostly robotized already. People working in them were few and already away one from another. There is not a "pandemic" that prevents them to churn out production. It's global crashing of currencies, same like what happens in US.
Sonic is on to something. Inflation has been going on for years. When the bubble pops ? who knows. Just realize Republicans and Dems alike are just opposite sides of the same Keynesian coin, both propagate the expansion of the welfare/ warfare state at the expense of the people’s purchasing power. Rising prices are just that ...prices. What many folks don’t get is that the laws of supply and demand apply to “money” as well. The more out there chasing goods the less it’s worth. If they do “get” it then they just don’t give a rip.
Weimar Republic / Zimbabwe? Hold my beer.
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Sadly I was in the situation that everyone was walking with wads of cash in their pockets, and goods prices were state controlled. But there was nothing to buy.

The supply and demand manifested in "you know people that can get this and I know people that can get that". Barter. Influence. Doctors were bribed with "western" cigarette cartons or nice deodorant/soaps. Everyone had a stash of Kent or Camel for "emergency" that can get that "free" medical care giver to actually look at you. You actually had coffee beans? You were golden!!! A kilo of roasted coffee was almost a month's wage. Had a pair of Adidas sneakers or decadent jeans made in Jordan? You're part of the "aristocracy"! Levy's was the stuff of legend.

And no, gold by itself is not that valuable investment either. You can't eat it and you can't use it to protect your food from being stolen.
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Sadly I was in the situation that everyone was walking with wads of cash in their pockets, and goods prices were state controlled. But there was nothing to buy.

The supply and demand manifested in "you know people that can get this and I know people that can get that". Barter. Influence. Doctors were bribed with "western" cigarette cartons or nice deodorant/soaps. Everyone had a stash of Kent or Camel for "emergency" that can get that "free" medical care giver to actually look at you. You actually had coffee beans? You were golden!!! A kilo of roasted coffee was almost a month's wage. Had a pair of Adidas sneakers or decadent jeans made in Jordan? You're part of the "aristocracy"! Levy's was the stuff of legend.

And no, gold by itself is not that valuable investment either. You can't eat it and you can't use it to protect your food from being stolen.
Agreed Gold and silver are only worth what someone else is willing to pay you. My best advice for anyone moving forward is have a little land, a little now how( hunt, farm, fish, feed you or your family) have liquidity and be able to adapt.
Life’s tough, but anything worth having is.
The biggest problem is actually simple. The government decided the best way to keep people from coming here from Mexico was to create a trade deal where it was easier and more profitable for companies to move their factory to Mexixo. Give them jobs and maybe they will stay where they are. Then they made horrible trade deals with China and others.
They traded our industry for consumerism. This person sells you a cell phone, that person sells you insurance, this other person manages your retirement, basically what California has for an economy is what became the economy of the whole united states. Well California's heavy weighted consumerism economy has been a drain on the United States most of the time. The only time it isn't?? When people have extra money.
So how do you fix a consumer based economy? Print some more money and let it exchange hands.
Like I said I am a simple man. I was raised that way and it did not matter how much money one has.
The real problem is now we have half (or more) of the population who is dependent on a consumer based economy. Not just to make a living either. They can't change their own oil. They can't grow anything. They can't hunt or fish. They do not even mow their own yards. Factor that in with the rising costs and you can see the domino affect of that when people start tightening the belt all those little business's are going to feel it. Except now there are not enough big business's to take on and hire all those people, because they went over seas or just shut the doors like some of the big retailers have done because of internet buying and other factors.
The storm is much bigger than most know and that the government either knows or will admit. After all, it is pretty much their fault and I think we all know the government does not admit that they screwed up.

I think Trump knew all this. He may not have said it, because of the panic factor, but I think he knew, because he was taking the correct steps to fix it.
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I ran out of time to edit, but you can also throw in the fact that the factory jobs that were left here didn't want to (or couldn't afford to) pay a decent wage and so they filled those millions of jobs with immigrants. Which further exacerbated the whole consumerism economy. Because now you have millions of people who want bigger tv's, newer cell phones, ect. Meanwhile the middle class took the hit and was all but eliminated and can't even find a crappy job when things get tough, because they are all filled with immigrants.
I say maybe they could not afford to pay a good wage, because remember when the athletes threw a fit when the Olympics were in China because of the smog???? Well nobody cared that our factories could not keep up because China did not have to abide by the same EPA rules. Everyone complained about the environment, while filling their houses and lives with crap made by the biggest polluter on the planet.
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I think if I were in the gun and ammo business, I would take measures to become less reliant on foreign products and services. That was the down fall of almost every other industry.
Also I just read that while the left was saying Trump pulling out of the UN was a bad thing, they failed to mention that the UN is pushing for and helping with the relocation of immigrants to wealthier countries and that the United States has thus far been the biggest taker of these immigrants.
Immigrants from the most violent ladden (including gun violence) countries in the world.
Then everyone wants to blame guns???
I swear the saying, "The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits." is so true.
You do realize there has been this global pandemic thing for the past year that shut down factories making the chips, the factories making the products that make the chips, all the way down to the mines where they’re digging out the raw materials, right? We won’t even get into the impacts in the transportation chain...

And while yes, the fact that people have a bit more to spend right now will drive up prices somewhat...the overall scarcity of products right now due to supply chain disruptions is the primary driver in in prices.
Agree, plus additional stress created by shortages, health concerns, election concerns, laws, ect. and other changes like some communication issues as well. It shows up on things people normally do everyday, but fudge up on now? Those "little" effects can create other bigger concerns.
Agree, plus additional stress created by shortages, health concerns, election concerns, laws, ect. and other changes like some communication issues as well. It shows up on things people normally do everyday, but fudge up on now? Those "little" effects can create other bigger concerns.
The shop I stopped at today complained mightily about the scalpers. Buying up all they find and selling for tons of money online. Apparently that's been having an impact at shops.
The shop I stopped at today complained mightily about the scalpers. Buying up all they find and selling for tons of money online. Apparently that's been having an impact at shops.
Yep, around here too. To curb the "ammo packing" one lgs stopped at recently stated on signs "ammo only sold with guns for now." Trying to understand both sides, still won't frequent as much for now. But? - AM NOT buying any gun for every 50 rounds. Extremes goes both ways?
I’m seeing a good bit more availability here locally but only a small dip in prices for ammo.
It does occur to me that the LGS’s must’ve lost a fair amount of profit in this shortage and I expect them to want to recoup at least some of that. Although to be honest I can think of only one shop that went completely under (and although it was long established, it was never the best on it’s selection and price anyway; not a lot of customer loyalty).
Cheaper Than Dirt is still off the charts high. No more biz from me, ever.
I’m seeing a good bit more availability here locally but only a small dip in prices for ammo.
It does occur to me that the LGS’s must’ve lost a fair amount of profit in this shortage and I expect them to want to recoup at least some of that. Although to be honest I can think of only one shop that went completely under (and although it was long established, it was never the best on it’s selection and price anyway; not a lot of customer loyalty).
Cheaper Than Dirt is still off the charts high. No more biz from me, ever.

Yeah but they also sold way more firearms than normal and made a profit off emptying the shelves of ammo they did have.
Yeah but they also sold way more firearms than normal and made a profit off emptying the shelves of ammo they did have.
True, true...
Minor counterpoint: Jacob (lgs owner nearby) explained to me when I asked what the heck was going on “you’re paing more because I’m paying more, Robbie. My percentage hasn’t changed a point! “ (I dunno the truth of that).
Wasn’t too long that he didn’t have much hardware too look at under the glass, either...
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True, true...
Minor counterpoint: Jacob (lgs owner nearby) explained to me when I asked what the heck was going on “you’re paing more because I’m paying more, Robbie. My percentage hasn’t changed a point! “ (I dunno the truth of that).
Wasn’t too long that he didn’t have much hardware too look at under the glass, either...
We always had decent hardware around. People around here like their firearms and stores/shops know it. Ammo took a hit, but not nearly as bad as some places.
This morning, on Federal, they finally had more that just one type.
Limit two boxes of each type per order, once you get past $100 is free shipping.
