
Gran Sasso Raid — Most Daring Mission of World War II?

I have read accounts of this raid in the past. It was indeed a bold move. I have a fascination with the Fieseler Fi 156. I have read that in a good head wind the plane could hover. The German's were so far advanced in aircraft design at the on-set of WWII because, after WWI, they were forbidden to build powered aircraft... so they built gliders. Building gliders taught them a whole lot about wing design and aerodynamics. Clearly, that knowledge was applied to the Fi 156.
Major Harold Mors planned the operation but Skorzeny got the laurels. Most accounts of this raid give the impression it was all Skorzeny but the article puts a different and accurate light on the operation. I wonder how many times they rehearsed the op before they executed the mission.
I have heard of this mission years ago, but this was done really well by the specifics of the mission and the pictures, I actually collect German military and have a gliders badge highly collectible it actually could’ve been from this mission, which is really cool. Not sure if it’s possible, but I could add that picture of that badge.