So my daughter ordered me a new (to me) product for cleaning my toys. I have been using Hoppes no9 forever. It's from a company called shooter lube. I watched some youtube vids and read some of their reviews. Sounded like snake oil and unicorn tears. Well, let me tell ya, I'm sold on this stuff. At least stage 1 (the cleaner) is the bomb. I just picked up a Saint Victor in .308 that ate a lot of dirty nasty crap. Smelled like it might have even ran some corrosive through it. Anyway, i sprayed it on , let it sit a bit and it all wiped right off. Same thing with the bolt and carrier, the caked crud behind the rings wiped right off. To work that good , you would think that it's gotta smell at least as good as Hoppes. Guess what, it has no odor! Not only does it work, it does it without chasing your wife outta the house. I could not believe the way this stuff cut through the filth. Now, I've lubed her up with stage 2 (the oil) it claims to be a full synthetic micro blah blah blah. I'll report back after I run her hard and give her the next big cleaning to see how things went and see what kinda noticeable wear I can detect. Until then, I recommend this stuff. I don't do that easily. I have to have personally tried it and had good results to recommend. So far that's a short list. Snap On, Mac, Milwaukee, Sig, Springfield, Mossberg, Remmy , and Benelli, now this stuff Shooter Lube. Please let me know if you think I'm full of it, or did I just introduce you to the best thing since sliced bread. I'm a bit bummed I didn't take pics. It was amazing.