Coincidentally, this morning on my way out to work I got down close to the entrance to my street and three little baby raccoons rushed across the street in front of me. When they got to the other side the last one turned around and dropped down like you would see a cat do to watch me on my way out. It was the cutest thing I've seen in a long time.
Outside of the innumerable cool birds ( including a breeding pair of bald eagles, 2 breeding pairs of pileated woodpeckers, along with 4 or 5 other types of woodpeckers, etc.) I have an abundance of raccoons, possums, skunks, groundhogs, river otters, turtles, snakes, squirrels, coyotes, deer, turkey and all kinds of other wildlife right in my back yard. I don't kill any of them. When the raccoons were knocking my trash cans over I just took the 30 seconds to clean it up in the morning on my way out. I do chase them off the bird feeders occasionally. Which is a trip. They're like little kids. They'll run far enough away where you can't get them and then stop and look at you. I also chase stray cats out of my back yard. The groundhogs live on the hill above the river bank and aren't hurting no one. I feed them scrap veggies and fruits. Possums don't hurt anything. I don't eat any of them so I don't kill them. The coyotes in 23 years have been spotted in the neighborhood proper once ( I see them in the fields semi-regularly and I hear them all the time), but they rarely come down into the street or bother anything. I had a picture my wife took of one in my driveway once about 5 years ago. I'm glad they don't come down and ravage people's pets because then I would probably have to do something about it. People around here know not to be killing

just to be killing something. The last guy that bragged about it paid a price. People may do it, but they sure as hell don't let me find out about it.
That said, I ain't telling anyone here what to do, but I think since we are allegedly smarter than small, dumb animals it shouldn't be too hard to figure out a solution that doesn't involve killing animals who are after all just trying to feed their families. I don't think much of people that kill animals for the hell of it. Or sport. Or trophies.