
Growing Pains?

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I guess because I mentioned at one time I'm a moderator on another site the member DM'd me to tell what happened.
In a thread about a bad actor breaking in the residence he said something to the effect that as a last resort he'd kick him in the round things. (only he used the word ba77s) That got him a scolding/warning and his comments removed.
Some how I don't see the problem. If it was Mickey Mouse Club site sure, but not here.... goodness.

But, we can freely drop the "F-Bomb", as we have an emoticon for it....... 🖕

Then I have an issue that all these Dems have 98% of the media market tied up. Only coverage Reps get is something that is twisted way out of context. So what's the problem promoting somebody that is super 2A friendly to clean out a blue seat? Especially on a sight of a manufacturer that makes GUNS. The Black Scary one's.....

Anyways, some politics is ok. Ragging on the Dems or Trump I guess, but nothing positive like a great candidate that needs a little help.

Another rant and I'm all done.
I know who that is, it's peace signs half brother!
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