
Gun and Knife carry

Images taken from the web. Mine have a more, ah, um, used look. ;)
My knife is a Forseti fixed blade being my Randall 5 and 7 are history. I like a 1911 because they conceal very well so my compact or commander keep me company. For folding knife a ZT 350 although I prefer fixed blades so I may carry more than one of my Tops fixed blades with a 3in blade like a Covert or Desert Son together.
Funny story on that knife since nobody asked. Thru no fault of my own, I was at the 1996 Soldier of Fortune convention and got called up on stage during a knife fighting demonstration. They were asking us to demonstrate blocks, so I did so mechanically and naturally incorporated a strike afterwards. The instructor said something like "Whoa, he is getting ahead of the class. This man has obviously spent some time behind the blade". To which I responded, "Yes, but it was with a fork in the other hand" which played to a big laugh. After the seminar I asked the instructor why he chose me out of the audience. He replied "I saw the knife in your pocket. I knew I could count on an Applegate man."
Had one about as long, but the blade is getting wobbly. Tried to tighten it up, but no-go on that. Time to buy another…30 years of carry so about due.
Knives carried depend on the terrain and situation, at least for me. I still carry a Herters Improved Bowie knife on occasion. Carbon steel, great wooden grip, full tang…what’s not to like. Other times I grab a Puma White Hunter I bought in the 60s. I Have fighting knives but rarely carry them for a stroll in the woods. Around town, I carry one of several assisted folders until I buy a new Applegate folder. Problem is, While I carry, I tend to live in low-risk areas. So not as concerned as I should be. Going to downtown Tucson, then the situation changes.
Knives carried depend on the terrain and situation, at least for me. I still carry a Herters Improved Bowie knife on occasion. Carbon steel, great wooden grip, full tang…what’s not to like. Other times I grab a Puma White Hunter I bought in the 60s. I Have fighting knives but rarely carry them for a stroll in the woods. Around town, I carry one of several assisted folders until I buy a new Applegate folder. Problem is, While I carry, I tend to live in low-risk areas. So not as concerned as I should be. Going to downtown Tucson, then the situation changes.
I have several Spyderco Para-Military 2 & 3 models. I usually EDC One.

I carry this Glock 26 and Victorinox Climber more often than anything else because I carry them to the gym 5 days a week.


These are the knives I most frequently carry away from the gym.

top Benchmade 710 which I'm carrying today. The 710 was the original Axis lock knife.

The other two are Buck 110 variations.

The black one is a Buck 110 LTE that I bought at Sportsman's Warehouse.

The blue one is a 110 Slim Select I bought online. Apparently they no longer make them.

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The daily is generally a 1911 of some sort. It changes depending on activity and dress code. But the knife is always the same. View attachment 78839
I really liked the original fixed blade version of the AF , had one and gave to a young relative when he graduated Ranger School.

The folder I was not as big a fan of, it's been what 30 years or so but seems to me it was a liner lock and liners are no Bueno for a lefty like myself.
I carried a K-Bar in Ranger school. Great All-Around knife 🪖

I sm sure that is what he carried also. Gave him the other when he graduated just to have, he had akways liked it.

Have had several FUKs over the years, still have one matter of fact. It was at one time voted as the top survival knife by a ton of survivsl experts. On my users I ovaled the leather washer handle to make it twist less in the hand when chopping and filed off the top tine of the guard to make choking up easier for finer work.

Friends kept borrowing so much I kept giving them away. Some of my favorite Woodcraft blades.


Herevis my current one with a sami knife i made and my first attempt at a leather washer handle which was meh, got a long way to go to get to where the wood ones are.

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Still my knife EDC because of work. I work on a military base, no firearms allowed, and too many crazy rules on what constitutes a knife that is allowed on base. Allowed on base, very handy, and is used every day, several times a day. Don't be a hater.View attachment 78882
It does what you need it to do , right? That's all that matters 😀. We use the tools we are allowed...
When I was in the National Guard there was a guy in my unit who showed up at every single drill with a pristine K-Bar taped to his LBE. I mean, even the sheath looked brand new.

I don't think he even used it to cut open MREs but it looked cool and that was the important thing.

There was another guy in my unit who was walking around with some dragon fantasy knife taped to his LBE.
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I told him one set it wasn't appropriate or even particularly useful.

I remember having to coach him once on a rifle range and this guy couldn't shoot a horse in the ass if he was sitting in the saddle.

And I remember pointing out to him that he really needed to work on his Marksmanship and he told me that his preferred weapon was a Bo Staff.

I reminded him that his adversaries would be using AK47s and asked how he thought that might play out.

I bought this Gerber Strongarm right around the time I retired. I never took it the field but I've had it out in the mountains. I've batoned wood with it. I've cut fuzz sticks with it. and it's stood up to it.

In the almost impossible event that I were ever recalled to active duty I would take it with me without hesitation
When I was in the National Guard there was a guy in my unit who showed up at every single drill with a pristine K-Bar taped to his LBE. I mean, even the sheath looked brand new.

I don't think he even used it to cut open MREs but it looked cool and that was the important thing.

There was another guy in my unit who was walking around with some dragon fantasy knife taped to his LBE.
View attachment 78954
I told him one set it wasn't appropriate or even particularly useful.

I remember having to coach him once on a rifle range and this guy couldn't shoot a horse in the ass if he was sitting in the saddle.

And I remember pointing out to him that he really needed to work on his Marksmanship and he told me that his preferred weapon was a Bo Staff.

I reminded him that his adversaries would be using AK47s and asked how he thought that might play out.

I bought this Gerber Strongarm right around the time I retired. I never took it the field but I've had it out in the mountains. I've batoned wood with it. I've cut fuzz sticks with it. and it's stood up to it.

In the almost impossible event that I were ever recalled to active duty I would take it with me without hesitation
When I was assigned to Division staff. I had a Specialist that wanted to get a knife for our deployment to Iraq. He wanted a Rambo” style knife.
I showed him what I carry and during developments. I explained to him the Pros-vs-Cons of what he wanted to get.
He ended up getting a Gerber Strongman.