Much of the donation issue concerning 2A politics is understandable, not necessarily agreeable though. It's common practice for some companies to butter their bread on both sides or cover their bases on both sides or just one side or the other in business. I try to stay out of it and the discussions most times. Regardless, I am Pro 2A all the way.
Obviously, if the political info, whichever way, is actually true and gets out to the general public, it can be devastating to the persons and the company. It's generally considered best to keep politics out of business, but some business survives and thrives because of it too?
Politics of any sort can leads to many disagreeable things. Is very likely why most political discussion on this forum besides 2A politics is strongly discouraged here? I agree with SA's sentiments, words and thoughts, there's plenty of other places for those discussions, words and thoughts besides here.
On the flip side of the coin? Another thing to consider before passing judgements? Believe it or not, some people actually earn their living off of lies, distortions, manufactured truths, fabrication or whatever someone may want to call it by smearing other people and companies and sometimes just for effect, giggles and grins. True or false, lies or bs, if it leads to attention or hits, money or prosperity, some people get off on that disturbing garbage for money or notarity. There's actually articles and youtube videos describing it and interviews with the people who do it for fun and profit. To me, it can be disgusting. In some ways, worse than politics or the worst side of it?