Master Class
I am outnumbered! Guess I should buy a round of Hi-Points for the house and call it a day...nope can't do it. My wife would have me committed for spending money on a Hi-Point!
You aren't outnumbered friend. Trust me.I am outnumbered! Guess I should buy a round of Hi-Points for the house and call it a day...nope can't do it. My wife would have me committed for spending money on a Hi-Point!
And Buicks?My ambition in life is to have every known model of a Hy Point made.
Don't make his head any bigger than it already is.You aren't outnumbered friend. Trust me.
Kid Rock says that ( in so many words) in Cocky.But it is not bragging if you can do it.
Don't you mean Hy points?I am outnumbered! Guess I should buy a round of Hi-Points for the house and call it a day...nope can't do it. My wife would have me committed for spending money on a Hi-Point!
Don't you mean Hy points?
Well put friend, appreciate your input. You obviously have broad experience in the firearms industry (proven by many of your helpful and informative comments). I publicly apologize for ragging on you. But, you do come across as holier-than-thou at times. I appreciate your success and would Love to have a cold one sometime and swap anecdotes.There were different locations Hi-Points were built and we had to pay attention when recording them on the FFL Log. In my mind, there were also two different spellings based on the location, but it was years ago and I have happily put all thoughts of Hi-Points behind me. Until you guys brought it up. My nomenclature may be incorrect, but my assessment of the product is not. But don't believe me. Buy a new Springfield GI Model and a new Hi-Point, begin shooting and see which one cracks first!