
H3LL has Frozen Over

that's funny/strange......

i only have a small amount of "sleepy juice', and the procedure was done...wheeled into another room, to......"air out the intestines"...

the ride home, was also very "airy"........lol

once home, i was hungry as a mad dog, but could not eat...took maybe a few hours till i could.

the prep before was Gatorade, CVS "Purelax", and Ducolax pills....i think all in a 2 liter bottle mixed

man....i tell you..........i had the toilet on Wide. Open. Throttle.....lol

but, seriously?? no "high" from the anesthesia...
I drank the cleanout stuff a few days before, Then just didn't eat for 2 days. And the anesthesia I got was the stuff that killed Michael Jackson. Very effective.