What handgun type is your choice? A revolver or pistol, and why did you choose that type? There are pros and cons for both types.
Due to some of the cons you list in the pistol category, it's exactly what I've read/heard is the opinion on why to carry/use a revolver as a sidearm in Alaska. The thoughts of many there state that revolvers are less likely to fail in the freezing temps and conditions one finds in the "last great frontier" known as Alaska.Pistol
Pros: faster reloads, higher capacity, better sights, accessory rail, more available chamberings
Cons: more parts to fail, more complicated to operate, most have no "mechanical" safety
Pros: simple operation, safer DA trigger
Cons: lower capacity, slower reloads (for me at least), snubbies not that accurate
I'm sure there are exceptions or additions to the reasons I listed. Just generally speaking.
That being said, my holstered EDC is a Walther PPS 9mm pistol w/extra mag (car trips) or I carry a Colt Det. Spcl .38 revolver w/speedloader in a pocket sleeve when walking the dog or working in the yard (quick grab & go).
I think that guy could hit a metal target 80 yards away by just throwing a rock at it.Revolvers can fail as well as semi-autos can, although I think they are not as likely because there are fewer moving parts. By the way, when I was growing up, a "pistol" could be either a semi-auto or a revolver. Now, a pistol is a semi-auto and a revolver is a revolver. Maybe that changed when folks started changing the way they pronounce harassment.That being said, I like both. A revolver (S&W Airweight) is much easier to just pick up on your way out the door and shove in your pants pocket. I understand the lack of capacity (only 5 rounds) and the .38 Spcl. +P may not be as effective at stopping a threat as a 9mm, but the convenience factor favors the Airweight. And, I saw a video on Hickock 45's site where he was hitting a metal target with an Airweight snubby at 80 yards. Check it out!
DittoI like the capacity of a semi auto and how slim they can be for concealed carry.
Steven Crowder does a hickok45 parody on YouTube and it's worth checking out it's a riot!I think that guy could hit a metal target 80 yards away by just throwing a rock at it.
I'll have to check that out 10mmLife.Steven Crowder does a hickok45 parody on YouTube and it's worth checking out it's a riot!