
Handgun, Shotgun or Rifle: Which is Best For Home Defense

Good post Anni. I have all three. In the bedroom I have shotgun, Pistols, PCC's and 300BO Pistol I prefer to the carbine as they are easier to handle. That's only what's not locked up. Too much to go into if I had to describe those. 😉

All I need..........
Following a recent thread and discussion on penetration of certain rounds and for me a positive would be that I will be in the defensive from my bedroom shooting into my living room, my living room wall is an outside wall that has brick then a breezeway then more brick before any rounds would enter another living area.
Our bedroom—the ”Alamo”, if you will, should someone enter uninvited—is at the end of a hallway; all shots out would be straight down it (“fatal funnel” in spades). I have a bookcase at the end that will act as a fairly effective backstop, should it be necessary. Considered getting a piece of armored drywall to put behind it as insurance...but I haven’t, yet.
Our bedroom—the ”Alamo”, if you will, should someone enter uninvited—is at the end of a hallway; all shots out would be straight down it (“fatal funnel” in spades). I have a bookcase at the end that will act as a fairly effective backstop, should it be necessary. Considered getting a piece of armored drywall to put behind it as insurance...but I haven’t, yet.

Why does this not surprise me. lololololo
A local LEO agency had a domestic dispute shooter at the end of a fatal funnel. Opened up on officers entering his apartment from the end of the hallway, shooting straight at the front door. First officer didn't stand a chance . Officers 2&3 went to either side of the hall and opened fire back down the hallway to the shooter. Never hit him in 15 minutes of gunfire. Police didnt realize he was laying prone in the doorway at the end of the hallway and police shot over his head the whole time. SWAT got the officers out and made dynamic entry with ballistic shields to finally subdue him.
fatal funnel and a well laid plan by the attacker was an extremely bad day for the police.
The master bedroom has ArmorCore walls. There are Remington v-3 TAC 13s in spring clips on both sides of the bed as well as handguns and flashlights on both bedside tables. The hallway has emergency strobe lights which can only be activated from the bedside along with highly directional 185 db speakers.