
Has Heckler & Koch gone woke?

Well, to be fair they were in fact responding to some quasi celebrity Podcaster after he in fact inserted himself into the choices of Miller Lites advertising. They were agreeing with miller's stance which is if they agree with it, why not stand on thier principles if they feel strongly about it. I do not believe they announced anything to a big marketing fanfare.
I agree Market as you wish. It’s a matter of how you frame it. As a whole Women are the largest growing group of gun owners.
So, you can’t . Got it.

Cue the faux outrage.

Jumpin to conclusions again. 300 bucks on eBay. Some habits die old. 😎
The video produced showed whoever was tweeting from that account was engaging individuals and in my opinion not a professional manner.
I don’t have a twitter account to go back and copy and past verbatim for you.
I don't mind what they did, it's just do it and don't make a huge deal of it. sex does sell, it's been proven many times. Most people wouldn't even notice they left out the scantily dressed females. but now they have drew all the attention to themselves. i don't think it will hurt either of them really, not like the bud light mess.

I don't care about a lot of this crazy mess going on, if it's what people want then it's fine with me, just stop shovin it down my throat telling me and my kids it's all normal, cause it's not. now taking the women out of the gun ads will not prevent me from buying their product, but again just do it and stop shouting from the mountain, Hey look at me setting new trends.
To me it seems it was taken out of context. It also seems many times conservatives are way to quick to throw out terms like “woke” or snowflake” as much as the left throws out “your a racist “

But folks (many who probably don’t own HK) want to be mad about stuff
In regards to Bud Light and other companies getting into “woke”.
Bud Light marketing director on a podcast said “we have to move away from the frat party, redneck image”.

That alienated their base. If she had not said that, it may not have been a big deal. She deliberately degraded her base and said we have to move away from them. That is different than saying we want to be inclusive and ad LGBTQ + to our drinking consumer.
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Jumpin to conclusions again. 300 bucks on eBay. Some habits die old. 😎
The video produced showed whoever was tweeting from that account was engaging individuals and in my opinion not a professional manner.
I don’t have a twitter account to go back and copy and past verbatim for you.
Even if that 'chute has a current repack card, I don't think I would jump with it!

I may have never bought a product just because of the presents of a sweet young thing on display but it invariably has caused me to take a second look at an ad. Please see my previous post "... if you choose to grow hair with yours....." for a complete explanation.
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HK also has a micro compact coming out “imminently.” Obviously, they need to play clever with the female market who will more than likely form a large part of that particular market. Nobody is pushing SP5s and USPs at the ladies.

Btw, if anyone is thinking of showing HK the boot from their collection please call me on 1 800 thatwokemfer and I will happily provide a well balanced home for your former pride and joy. You can keep the Bud Lite.
These companies are bowing to a very small group of nitwits.
The non-inclusive, non-gender movement has no place on earth, but that rational they demand should be carried out to forget semiautomatic vs. automatic, hammer vs. striker, pistol vs. rifle because no firearm should be separated by appearance, mechanism or lack thereof. It’s fair but not to their liking.
The entire DEI premise is so convoluted it‘s ridiculous and getting worse every day.

Ok, objectifying women.
Let’s not forget there’s a current sitting justice that can’t even define what a woman is, doesn’t it make for a tough sell to promote a universal diverse equitable inclusivity ???

Then for instance, if there’s a washboard abs mister man selling a rifle, is that going to cause a rift with the keg barrel chested man sector? If women buy the rifle or are they only appealing to the man-model, is the man then objectified…or doesn’t that matter, because men are men and tough? Baloney.

I don’t think a product is any better because of who gets paid to promote it. Ad agencies present their woke ideas and it’s up to a woke decision maker to accept the premise. Factor in those reward points for keeping up appearances. In other words…“ investors and other stakeholders believe businesses should step up and address these fundamental societal issues.”
It’s that sort of “thinking” that each industry has to comply with a worldly order because someone else says so.

So for saving face, they want to appease a squabbling sector of noodle-armed globalist elites but easily forget (is it possible?) in gun manufacturing, using prop models of any sort will not satisfy the nincompoops one bit when what they truly want is to completely dissolve the entire industry.

How soon will this sort of ‘war on objectification’ be applied to dog and cat food commercials? Who‘s to argue that a particular dog breed must be used to sell kibble? Why is it that only cats are deemed so uninterested and isolate. By the way, unsheltered dogs or is it un-housed dogs and cats for that matter, are they getting a share of the political correctness and inclusion?
virtue signaling.
“the public expression of opinions or sentiments intended to demonstrate one's good character or social conscience or the moral correctness of one's position on a particular issue.
"it's noticeable how often virtue signaling consists of saying you hate things"

Yeah. I would say some of those tweets fit that definition.
In my opinion. Emotional responses, similar to the some shared here.
Market to whoever you want . I would just urge caution and remove emotion from the equation. You can sell your message (product) without throwing stones.