I cleared the house a few years ago when I was in the office working from home alone upstairs. About mid day, the Dog under my desk growled a nasty snarl and fur stood up on his back. He went to my office doorway growling. He had never done that ever in my years of working from home.

Got the “oh crap” sensation and heard stuff banging around downstairs. Grabbed my .357 S&W I keep in my desk and proceeded past the dog to go downstairs and see WTF was in my house. Top of stairs I could hear someone in the kitchen area. Proceeded downstairs cautiously and saw a shadow coming my direction to the stairs.
Raised my .357, dog growled and snarled again behind me at top of stairs , and person came into view.

i had a .357 pointed at her and the dog was about to jump 10’ down the stairs and attack. I think we all about pooped in an instant.
My wife freaked out staring at a muzzle and teeth of the dog.
i put the gun down instantly and was like WTF, you are supposed to be at work and we (dog and I) never heard her come home or in the house. Well, she was sick and came home to go to bed and call it a day.
I left the garage door wide open and back door to garage unlocked when everyone went off for the day. She parked in the driveway.
learned a few lessons about house clearing that day and to check the house for open/unlocked doors as well before everyone is off to work. Got motion cameras as well.
Some hard lessons learned about safety, security, house clearing and locking stuff up.