
Hegseth confirmed as Trump’s defense secretary in tie-breaking vote despite turmoil over his conduct

I feel Hegseth deserves a chance.

The problem with Generals (and most picked for SECDEF have proven this) they have loyalty they owe. They have either been in bed with the defense industrial complex…..or they want a bed to lay in after they are not SECDEF

Hegseth seems smart enough and ready to trim the minutiae and far away that I wish I didn’t have to fight when I was in. So we will see.

I would also have loved to see Erik Prince as he would also be a solid choice but him being as profitable as he is and having other things going on why would he? I wouldn’t be surprised if Hegseth doesn’t tap into him from time to time. Which would be a good thing.

We shall see
Hegseth will have his full protection detail now and will be in awe of the scope and power of the position for a few days. He will be getting high level classified briefings like drinking from a firehose. Internalizing all that and getting up to speed is where his smarts will pay off. It will be interesting to see how it all unfolds, I have high hopes for Pete.
Military needs to go back to being a fighting machine and not a woke experiment.

separation of powers with a civilian at the helm will foster what the people want.
I’ve met many a military leader who was brilliant and many a military leader who were dumb as a bag of rocks and couldnt command a rubber boat in a bathtub.
Even some Generals of dumb as 💩💩
I agree WOKE needs to be done. Military is no place to be WOKE and yes I have seen plenty of superior officers that have been stupid or just bat Sh** crazy. I guess only time will tell.
When it comes to the other one I think I have seen people like him. I will hold my comments to myself but some things that were said has given me a clue as to what type of person he is. People say they change but it isn't that easy to do. Time will tell. Just because someone was in the military doesn't make him or her qualified. If I remember correctly his chain of command had issues with him--just saying.
She's also got a record of supporting gun control.
I have known Pam Bondi since she was a young prosecutor. She is wicked smart aand pro law enforcement. She is pro 2nd Amendment and supported Florida's advances in concealed weapons laws and use of force immunity. She helped craft Florida's temporary extreme risk protection order law which provides for separating a dangerous crazy from guns. I credit her for ensuring the order can only be obtained upon affidavit from law enforcement with strict requirements, and building a lot of due process into the proceeding. Based on my experience in LE with crazies with guns, I fully support the law. The truth is, we were impounding guns from crazies with or without court orders for as long as I have been in LE. What this law did was codify the process with due process protections. The idea that Bondi is anti 2A is just false.
I have known Pam Bondi since she was a young prosecutor. She is wicked smart aand pro law enforcement. She is pro 2nd Amendment and supported Florida's advances in concealed weapons laws and use of force immunity. She helped craft Florida's temporary extreme risk protection order law which provides for separating a dangerous crazy from guns. I credit her for ensuring the order can only be obtained upon affidavit from law enforcement with strict requirements, and building a lot of due process into the proceeding. Based on my experience in LE with crazies with guns, I fully support the law. The truth is, we were impounding guns from crazies with or without court orders for as long as I have been in LE. What this law did was codify the process with due process protections. The idea that Bondi is anti 2A is just false.
Red flag laws are generally frowned upon. And she supported raising the age to own a semi auto rifle to 21. There are a lot of 2A people and groups who are not happy about her.
Remember, politics was originally intended to be an inconvenience to honest men who disrupted their lives to serve the people. Original intent was for public service to be such a hassle it wouldn't be considered for a career......

My how far off track it's come......
How do you know he's the man? Have you served in the military? I think not. Apparently you have no idea how the military works. Just another mouth talking about nothing. He was not the best choice!
No i have not served in the military, but i thank you and everyone else on this forum for your service to our great nation.
"Apparently you have no idea how the military works"...very true but i know 1 thing it sure aint working out now. My nephew retired from army after 20 years last year and so have alot of his friends. they will tell you it has changed for the worst.It has done a 180 from the time they joined.
"He was not the best choice!"...well hell he aint even had to job for what 24 hours and he's not been brain washed by the swamp so give the guy a chance. If the swamp and rino's didn't back him he must be good for our country.
"Just another mouth talking about nothing"... had lots of practise in 75 years, thanks for compliment...now buzz off b4 i put ya azz on iggy.......jk ol buddy