
Hellcat and Red dot

The RMSc is an aluminum bodied unit and has capability of battery replacement without removing the sight. The SMSc is some kind of polymer and has to be removed to replace the battery. That may or may not be an issue for some, for me it was not a deal breaker since once the sight is replaced on the slide it's a simple matter of alighning the red dot with the front iron sight ..... and even easier if you have a 9mm chamber laser. And the battery is supposed to have a life of about 2,000 hours even without an on/off switch.

The SMSc cost was about $200 less IIRC, and I just thought I could buy a lot of batteries for that $200. I saw it as a slight trade off for the savings to simply replace the battery during a good gun cleaning.

@jumpinjoe my RMSc I have to remove the unit from the pistol to replace the battery.
@jumpinjoe my RMSc I have to remove the unit from the pistol to replace the battery.
My bad! You're right KLGunner. Don't know where my mind has been these past few days relative to the 'red dot' sights, but I'll try harder from here on. Don't even know what I had in mind when I wrote that about the RMSc (????). Apparently wasn't thinking about the battery replacement though.

Sorry again Dr. Jim, I'll just have to try harder. Maybe I should start reviewing things just before I post rather than working from memory. Remember I told y'all the memory is one of the first 2 things to go ...... and I can't remember what the second one is!!!

My bad! You're right KLGunner. Don't know where my mind has been these past few days relative to the 'red dot' sights, but I'll try harder from here on. Don't even know what I had in mind when I wrote that about the RMSc (????). Apparently wasn't thinking about the battery replacement though.

Sorry again Dr. Jim, I'll just have to try harder. Maybe I should start reviewing things just before I post rather than working from memory. Remember I told y'all the memory is one of the first 2 things to go ...... and I can't remember what the second one is!!!

Joe don’t be to hard on yourself we all do it.
My bad! You're right KLGunner. Don't know where my mind has been these past few days relative to the 'red dot' sights, but I'll try harder from here on. Don't even know what I had in mind when I wrote that about the RMSc (????). Apparently wasn't thinking about the battery replacement though.

Sorry again Dr. Jim, I'll just have to try harder. Maybe I should start reviewing things just before I post rather than working from memory. Remember I told y'all the memory is one of the first 2 things to go ...... and I can't remember what the second one is!!!

It's ok JJ, I'm 72 and I still am mistaken every now and then.....Lol!
It's ok JJ, I'm 72 and I still am mistaken every now and then.....Lol!
Well, several months ago when I was shopping for a red dot, I kept notes of most as I looked around and researched the differences. Then after I finally decided on what I would do, I threw them all away (the notes). As those questions here on the forum popped up, I was going by memory, poor as that was. I think I actually remembered correctly, just for the wrong sights ....... LOL! Know what I mean? Kinda' like being the proper body weight .......... if you're 11 feet tall.

BTW, I figured you for about that age. I'm 73 so much of what you've seen, I've seen as well and visee/versee. I get so damned frustrated with these CS kids who say "Go to WWW. ????????" when I'm needing some help. If I knew how to use the 'WWW.thing, I wouldn't be calling CS for help. Then I tell them I was born before B/W TV was readily available to the average home and didn't grow up in a high tech world like they did. It's so hard for most of them to even conceive of a time when there was no TV, much less B/W. He!!, I still can't set the clock on a stupid VCR, and I can barely spell 'IBM'.

Anyway, know I didn't intentionally mean to lead you astray. And I'll do better from here on.

Well, several months ago when I was shopping for a red dot, I kept notes of most as I looked around and researched the differences. Then after I finally decided on what I would do, I threw them all away (the notes). As those questions here on the forum popped up, I was going by memory, poor as that was. I think I actually remembered correctly, just for the wrong sights ....... LOL! Know what I mean? Kinda' like being the proper body weight .......... if you're 11 feet tall.

BTW, I figured you for about that age. I'm 73 so much of what you've seen, I've seen as well and visee/versee. I get so damned frustrated with these CS kids who say "Go to WWW. ????????" when I'm needing some help. If I knew how to use the 'WWW.thing, I wouldn't be calling CS for help. Then I tell them I was born before B/W TV was readily available to the average home and didn't grow up in a high tech world like they did. It's so hard for most of them to even conceive of a time when there was no TV, much less B/W. He!!, I still can't set the clock on a stupid VCR, and I can barely spell 'IBM'.

Anyway, know I didn't intentionally mean to lead you astray. And I'll do better from here on.

I gotta admit tho for being older in years you both seem to be doing great on here keeping up with the younger grasshoppers like myself. I gotta ask tho what turned ether of you onto Red Dots?
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I gotta admit tho for being older in years you both seem to be doing great on here keeping up with the younger grasshoppers like myself. I gotta ask tho what turned ether of you onto Red Dots?
Wow, LOL, I had my first 'red dot' way back in about the mid 80's as I recall. Maybe a little later, but I think that's pretty close. It however was very different from today's red dot sights. It was a totally enclosed body, very heavy for it's size, and used a stack of tiny 'hearing aid' type batteries. It was made by "Aimpoint" and was an electronically projected dot as opposed to today's led projected ones.

The dot was projected on a tiny little round window and appeared to be inside the housing. It had a potentiometer type brightness control on the side. As I recall the dot was about a 3moa size. It was relatively expensive for the day, and I saved for a good long while to be able to buy it. I put it on one of my "Thompson Center Contenders" I was using for 'Hunter Pistol' silhouette at the time. My wife and I shot many thousands of rounds in that game back through the 80's and 90's.

I think I still have that old "Aimpoint" packed away somewhere, although the batteries leaked inside it and ruined it many years ago. If I can dig it out someday, I'll try to get a mod# or some other identifier from it so that you can see just what a dinosaur it was compared to today's sights. Oh, and BTW, it was not only heavy and bulky, it was actually longer then the bbl on my new Hellcat, probably a good couple inches longer.

So there you have the story of an old timer's experience with what at the time, was a revolution in sights of any kind. I don't remember any others back in those days and I'm thinking the "Aimpoint" was one of the very first.

And thanks for the compliment....... most of us at these ages have to try hard to keep up. I won't speak for Dr. Jim, but I'll bet he and I have a lot in common.

Wow, LOL, I had my first 'red dot' way back in about the mid 80's as I recall. Maybe a little later, but I think that's pretty close. It however was very different from today's red dot sights. It was a totally enclosed body, very heavy for it's size, and used a stack of tiny 'hearing aid' type batteries. It was made by "Aimpoint" and was an electronically projected dot as opposed to today's led projected ones.

The dot was projected on a tiny little round window and appeared to be inside the housing. It had a potentiometer type brightness control on the side. As I recall the dot was about a 3moa size. It was relatively expensive for the day, and I saved for a good long while to be able to buy it. I put it on one of my "Thompson Center Contenders" I was using for 'Hunter Pistol' silhouette at the time. My wife and I shot many thousands of rounds in that game back through the 80's and 90's.

I think I still have that old "Aimpoint" packed away somewhere, although the batteries leaked inside it and ruined it many years ago. If I can dig it out someday, I'll try to get a mod# or some other identifier from it so that you can see just what a dinosaur it was compared to today's sights. Oh, and BTW, it was not only heavy and bulky, it was actually longer then the bbl on my new Hellcat, probably a good couple inches longer.

So there you have the story of an old timer's experience with what at the time, was a revolution in sights of any kind. I don't remember any others back in those days and I'm thinking the "Aimpoint" was one of the very first.

And thanks for the compliment....... most of us at these ages have to try hard to keep up. I won't speak for Dr. Jim, but I'll bet he and I have a lot in common.

I bet we do JJ, I bet we do. I've had guns all my life down to pre-school due to the best Daddy a kid could ever have. We hunted and fished every chance we had. Over the past years I kinda got into other stuff like horses, then drag cars and let my love for guns go to the back burner. Now with the US being attacked by the left my wife and I have gone nuts buying weapons and ammo. Never had a red dot until I got a Saint Victor in .223 6 weeks ago, then got an FX 9 and put a dot on it. Now I want one on my new Hellcat I'm gonna get in 2 days. BTW I took note of your competition using a Thompson Contender. I have a TC, in .221 and 44 mag.....didn't want em too close together, did I?? Where can I find a .223 barrel for the frame/grip that I've had for 40 years? Thanks in advance.
I bet we do JJ, I bet we do. I've had guns all my life down to pre-school due to the best Daddy a kid could ever have. We hunted and fished every chance we had. Over the past years I kinda got into other stuff like horses, then drag cars and let my love for guns go to the back burner. Now with the US being attacked by the left my wife and I have gone nuts buying weapons and ammo. Never had a red dot until I got a Saint Victor in .223 6 weeks ago, then got an FX 9 and put a dot on it. Now I want one on my new Hellcat I'm gonna get in 2 days. BTW I took note of your competition using a Thompson Contender. I have a TC, in .221 and 44 mag.....didn't want em too close together, did I?? Where can I find a .223 barrel for the frame/grip that I've had for 40 years? Thanks in advance.
Everything you wrote is about same as mine, except I never got too deep into drag cars, but coincidentally did race the round-d-round circuit around the SE for a few years, and never did slack off on the guns. I've hunted, fished and/or shot competition for most of my life so I've always had many guns of various sizes and uses. I'm also an ardent airboat fan as well as a certified scuba diver for many years.

Also worked around horses a good bit. When in high school I would ride and break halter/green broke horses for a dude ranch hack line. Well, they broke me as often as I broke them. LOL! Not a full time gig but made most of my high school time spending money that way .... that and shooting pigeons out of and around the ranch barns. Here's a funny tid-bit for ya. The boss originally was paying me 1 cent a bird to shoot them and was having a ball. Then in a few months I realized it was costing me about 1 1/2 cents for the ammo to shoot them. The laugh was on me I guess.

But we better get back to gun stuff for now since this is a gun forum. I have a .223 bbl for one of my Contenders (Gen 1), but it's a 22" bbl for the Contender carbine conversion. Bought it way back in about the mid to late 80's. The kit came with the longer bbl, a longer fore end, and a rifle type stock. You would just change out those pieces for the regular Contender pieces to convert from a handgun to a small rifle. And just like the handgun, they were deadly accurate.

It was kind of tricky owning one of those way back then because the ATF couldn't decide how to classify/treat them. If you used the rifle stock and a handgun bbl, you had an illegal short bbl'd rifle. So you always had to keep that in mind and always use the appropriate pieces when switching it out. I solved that issue by simply buying a dedicated frame for the conversion and just left it as a rifle all the time. Still that way today with several calibers of bbl's. And last I heard, the ATF had finally agreed it was a "conversion" and could be in either configuration as long as you were in the process a converting it. But once you took it outside to shoot, it had better be right.

I also have a .22 cal and a 7mm08 22" bbl for it, and did have a 20 ga shotgun bbl. Sold that many years ago. But as for a .223 in 8" or 10", man I don't have a clue, but I will look around. Still have a lot of friends who use the Contender quite often. In fact for the last 10-12 years I hunted, I often carried my Contender in a long, hang down, shoulder holster. Even with the 10" bull bbl I typically used, it would hang almost from my arm pit to my belly button. Took many white tailed deer and many, many more feral pigs. If I do run across a bbl you might like I'll let you know. How about one of the 14" bbl's, would that work for you? Oh yeh, I'll need to know if your Contender is a Gen 1, 2, or 3. 1's and 2's will interchange IIRC, bu the 3rd gen is a little different I think. Not certain that's the way it is, but close. It may be that the 2 3 genswill interchange and the 1st gen is the orphan. I'll know for sure later, but right now all I need is which gen you have.

OK, one last thing before I go. Earlier today I ran into another old codger on the forum, and get this, he's older than both of us. Goes by the name Grump. Boy, do I know just how appropriate that name is, huh? Not for him ..... for me, at least according to the wife.

Anyway regards,

EDIT: to add BTW, the old man Grump is 85 years young. Kind of makes me feel like a young whipper snapper, how 'bout you?
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I've been waiting for about 5 months for an RMSc (through Optics Planet). Any idea when they will be available?
As I’m in a list for one as well from another source sadly no. Have you reached out to their customer service for a lead time?
I had to pre-pay to order it from Optics Planet. After a few months, with no word from them, I decided to cancel my order, thinking I could find it quicker from another supplier. Then they sent me an email saying that they were sorry for the poor service, but they hadn't received any RMSc's and didn't know when they might be available. I don't know if my order is still active or not, but I've searched other companies and some, like Brownells don't even allow customers to backorder it. I went directly to the Sure website (I believe in England) and it didn't give any guidance on when it will become available. So many magazines pictured the Hellcat with the Sure RMSc sight and I think the company was overwhelmed. Then Covid added to the problem. Who knows when we will see them?
I had to pre-pay to order it from Optics Planet. After a few months, with no word from them, I decided to cancel my order, thinking I could find it quicker from another supplier. Then they sent me an email saying that they were sorry for the poor service, but they hadn't received any RMSc's and didn't know when they might be available. I don't know if my order is still active or not, but I've searched other companies and some, like Brownells don't even allow customers to backorder it. I went directly to the Sure website (I believe in England) and it didn't give any guidance on when it will become available. So many magazines pictured the Hellcat with the Sure RMSc sight and I think the company was overwhelmed. Then Covid added to the problem. Who knows when we will see them?
You could very well be right. Plus it’s a great optic so they probably did get hit hard by demand.
BTW....If age matters, I'm 71. My eyesight isn't what it once was. Both eyes have undergone cataract surgery, about 9 years ago. I bought into lasers early on and upgraded from red to green for greater visibility, especially in daylight. But, the lasers reduced holster options. Then I bought an M&P ported Performance Center 9L that had a plate to install a red dot. I bought a Trijicon RMO6 red dot for it and I love it. For the first time, I had a sight that worked in sunlight. The downside is that it's too big for the Hellcat and needs to be removed to replace the battery.
Everything you wrote is about same as mine, except I never got too deep into drag cars, but coincidentally did race the round-d-round circuit around the SE for a few years, and never did slack off on the guns. I've hunted, fished and/or shot competition for most of my life so I've always had many guns of various sizes and uses. I'm also an ardent airboat fan as well as a certified scuba diver for many years.

Also worked around horses a good bit. When in high school I would ride and break halter/green broke horses for a dude ranch hack line. Well, they broke me as often as I broke them. LOL! Not a full time gig but made most of my high school time spending money that way .... that and shooting pigeons out of and around the ranch barns. Here's a funny tid-bit for ya. The boss originally was paying me 1 cent a bird to shoot them and was having a ball. Then in a few months I realized it was costing me about 1 1/2 cents for the ammo to shoot them. The laugh was on me I guess.

But we better get back to gun stuff for now since this is a gun forum. I have a .223 bbl for one of my Contenders (Gen 1), but it's a 22" bbl for the Contender carbine conversion. Bought it way back in about the mid to late 80's. The kit came with the longer bbl, a longer fore end, and a rifle type stock. You would just change out those pieces for the regular Contender pieces to convert from a handgun to a small rifle. And just like the handgun, they were deadly accurate.

It was kind of tricky owning one of those way back then because the ATF couldn't decide how to classify/treat them. If you used the rifle stock and a handgun bbl, you had an illegal short bbl'd rifle. So you always had to keep that in mind and always use the appropriate pieces when switching it out. I solved that issue by simply buying a dedicated frame for the conversion and just left it as a rifle all the time. Still that way today with several calibers of bbl's. And last I heard, the ATF had finally agreed it was a "conversion" and could be in either configuration as long as you were in the process a converting it. But once you took it outside to shoot, it had better be right.

I also have a .22 cal and a 7mm08 22" bbl for it, and did have a 20 ga shotgun bbl. Sold that many years ago. But as for a .223 in 8" or 10", man I don't have a clue, but I will look around. Still have a lot of friends who use the Contender quite often. In fact for the last 10-12 years I hunted, I often carried my Contender in a long, hang down, shoulder holster. Even with the 10" bull bbl I typically used, it would hang almost from my arm pit to my belly button. Took many white tailed deer and many, many more feral pigs. If I do run across a bbl you might like I'll let you know. How about one of the 14" bbl's, would that work for you? Oh yeh, I'll need to know if your Contender is a Gen 1, 2, or 3. 1's and 2's will interchange IIRC, bu the 3rd gen is a little different I think. Not certain that's the way it is, but close. It may be that the 2 3 genswill interchange and the 1st gen is the orphan. I'll know for sure later, but right now all I need is which gen you have.

OK, one last thing before I go. Earlier today I ran into another old codger on the forum, and get this, he's older than both of us. Goes by the name Grump. Boy, do I know just how appropriate that name is, huh? Not for him ..... for me, at least according to the wife.

Anyway regards,

EDIT: to add BTW, the old man Grump is 85 years young. Kind of makes me feel like a young whipper snapper, how 'bout you?
Hey JJ, are you a Facebook afficianado?? I'll send you a friend request and then pics of my TC. I hate to admit I don't know the generation it is. I've had it since the early 80s. I have like I said a .221 and a 44 mag both with small Leupold pistol scopes. I would love to have a .223 barrel and 14 inch would be fine.
Hey JJ, are you a Facebook afficianado?? I'll send you a friend request and then pics of my TC. I hate to admit I don't know the generation it is. I've had it since the early 80s. I have like I said a .221 and a 44 mag both with small Leupold pistol scopes. I would love to have a .223 barrel and 14 inch would be fine.
No, sorry I don't do Facebook, IM, Twitter, or most any other I-net things. I just barely get by with email and a couple forums.

If you've had the Contender since the early 80's, it's almost got to be a Gen 1. I've already got a couple feelers out to see what we can find for you. And actually there was 2 versions of the Gen1, but the difference doesn't matter relative to bbl's. The early model had the trigger guard pivot pin at the front of the guard, and the later version had the pin at the rear of the guard. The difference it made was in how easy the break action worked, but made no difference in bbl's. If I'm able to find something for you I'll let you know.

Tech drawing for front pin dimensions.
2020-07-08 23.58.25.png
Morning folks. New member and new Hellcat with the optical option. I put on a Romeo Zero with shortened screws. Thanks for that info on the forum. I used a laser bore to align and looks pretty good. Going to range for final adjustment. I still have the 507k on order and I still may go ahead and get it anyway. I tried the 507c and loved it but too big. So a compact version would be great. I’ll see how that goes.

im trying to figure out a rail light . I want the smallest and thinnest I can get. Maybe a TR-7 or the Viridian and Pl minin 2.

any advice would be helpfull
No, sorry I don't do Facebook, IM, Twitter, or most any other I-net things. I just barely get by with email and a couple forums.

If you've had the Contender since the early 80's, it's almost got to be a Gen 1. I've already got a couple feelers out to see what we can find for you. And actually there was 2 versions of the Gen1, but the difference doesn't matter relative to bbl's. The early model had the trigger guard pivot pin at the front of the guard, and the later version had the pin at the rear of the guard. The difference it made was in how easy the break action worked, but made no difference in bbl's. If I'm able to find something for you I'll let you know.

Thanks buddy! I found a company, I think it was E. Arthur Brown, that had a barrel that would work. They were closed when I found them so I didn't get to talk to them.
Bought a sccy cpx2 with crimson trace cts 1500 3moa red dot for a truck gun. Took the optic off and it fits the Hellcat perfectly , co-witness is not perfect but very close. But I can not find the 1500 on crimson trace on their website and no way to order separately.